
Budget DIY ideas: Our six most popular posts!

The great thing about the online world is that it’s very easy for us to see which stories you guys are loving. And it would seem that we have a very enthusiastic band of DIY’ers in our midst because our budget makeover stories are consistently some of our most popular. From how to paint laminate cabinets to three cheap ways to transform a kitchen bench top, here are some of your favourites.

How to paint laminate cabinets
We all know that a kitchen renovation is anything but cheap so it’s little wonder this post is so popular. From cleaning to priming and painting, this is the perfect guide to painting your own laminate cabinets.

How to paint laminate cabinets

3 ways to cheaply transform your bench top
As with updating cabinetry, replacing the kitchen bench top can be a very costly affair. If your bench top is still in good condition but simply needs a modern overhaul, this post shows you how to use specialty resurfacing products to maintain what you already have and thus help you save the big bucks.

3 ways to transform your benchtop for a few hundred dollars

How to paint tiles
As with replacing a bench top or cabinetry, replacing bathroom or kitchen tiles can a very messy and expensive exercise which is where tile paint comes in. Not only is tile paint relatively cheap, easy and quick to use, painting your tiles means you don’t have to find somewhere else to live while your bathroom or kitchen is given an instant facelift. Genius!

How to paint tiles and save a fortune!

How to paint a bathtub
As with kitchens, bathroom renovations really add up so if you can avoid replacing the bath that can only be a good thing right? Not only is ripping out a bath tub a major hassle, but it’s super costly too which is why a DIY paint job could be just the thing. This post is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to tackling the task.

How to paint a bath tub

How to revamp your driveway
We talk a lot about kerbside appeal and freshening up your driveway is just one of the important pieces in the exterior makeover puzzle. If your driveway is looking a little well-loved, this DIY talks you through the simple steps to giving it an overhaul.

Driveway paint: A cheap way to boost kerbside appeal!

How to refresh a garage door
As with updating the driveway, refreshing the garage door can make a huge difference to the outside of a home. And first impressions are key right? Especially if you’re selling. From prepping to painting, check out our full-proof garage door revamp method below.

How to: Easily and cheaply refresh a garage door

Check out our dedicated renovating section RENO ADDICT for more renovating inspiration

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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