Before & Afters DIY Expert Tips Interviews RENO ADDICT

Driveway paint: A cheap way to boost kerbside appeal!

There’s no denying the importance of a home’s kerbside appeal – first impressions right? Some studies even suggest that it accounts for up to 10 per cent of a home’s value which is hugely significant, particularly in these testy real estate times. And if there’s one kerbside deal breaker it’s a shoddy driveway but White Knight DIY renovation expert Cherie Barber has a simple and inexpensive panacea for that!

“Driveways are often the first thing people see, but the last you’d think to renovate. Transforming this area is as easy as any paint project and much more affordable than resurfacing, giving an uplift in value for a minor investment. Some additional finishing touches like plants, mailboxes and house numbers, can also help spruce your home up instantly,” says Cherie who shares a driveway paint step-by-step below.

Before: Driveway
BEFORE: Driveway
AFTER driveway
AFTER: driveway

“Preparing the surface correctly will ensure long-lasting results, so a crucial first step is to high pressure washer clean your surface, then allow to dry for 24 hours before painting,” says Cherie.

“If you’re painting smooth concrete such as garage floors or new concrete around a pool, use White Knight Ultra Pave Concrete Etcher to roughen the surface and help the paint bond to the concrete. Mixing half a kilo with five litres of water, evenly pour the dissolved mixture over the concrete and scrub with a broom, leaving it to foam up for a couple of minutes being careful not to let it dry,” says Cherie.

Before you start painting, prime your driveway by giving your surface another good sweep and make sure you have a paint brush, paint pots, roller tray and an extension roller. Cherie favours a roller with a 10mm nap to achieve a professional finish, easily.

“I chose White Knight Ultra Pave Quick Dry as it’s touch dry in just 30 minutes and can take a second coat in just a couple of hours. To help the first coat stick, mix the paint with 20 per cent water in a paint pot, a litre at a time, and mix in the pot before transferring into your roller tray,” says Cherie.

Cherie at work
Cherie at work

“Choose a colour that will complement your exteriors. For a modern look I like to use dual grey tones, with the darker shade on the paths and drive. For this project I used White Knight Ultra Pave in Smoke Storm, it’s modern and impactful and one of my favourite colours to transform a drab driveway,” says Cherie.

“Paint all the edges first with a paint brush, and any joins in the concrete, then paint the remaining area using a roller with an extension pole. Wait two hours before applying your second coat. For added grip, or if you’re on a slope, add White Knight Ultra Pave Topcoat Grip Additive to your second coat, pouring one litre of paint into a roller tray and as you stir, add 2-3 scoops of the grip additive per litre of paint. The second coat is now ready to apply, in a similar way that you applied the first, painting the edges with a brush then using a roller for the remaining area,” says Cherie.

Cherie Barber

“With just a few finishing touches and a makeover of your drive, you can make a real difference to the façade of your home,” says Cherie and independent real estate expert Bernadette Summers agrees. “First impressions are hugely important in real estate, not just for buyers but also for agents who look at the exterior as the first step in their evaluation of a property,” says Bernadette.

“Before a potential buyer comes to view your home, there is a chance they’ve already driven past and made a judgement call. Having kerb appeal can make all the difference between a property that instantly sells or lays in wait, as viewers see the exterior as a reflection of the inside,” says Bernadette.

Cherie Barber White Knight transformation
One last look at the finished product!

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By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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