Covet my coffee table Furniture Homewares Interviews Styling

Covet my Coffee Table: with Georgie Abay of The Grace Tales

As the founder of a blog whose slogan is, “for the stylish mother” it should come as no surprise that Georgie Abay’s home is extremely beautiful. The mastermind behind The Grace Tales, the ultimate online destination for multi-tasking mums, and an ex-fashion journo, she treats her interior decoration process in much the same way she does dressing herself.

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“I’ve always been into investment dressing. I buy less but buy well. I am the same with interiors! That said, with two young children, you can’t be too precious about your home (or clothes). I use lots and lots of neutrals with a bit of print thrown in. I love floral prints and they are everywhere in my home. Seriously. Everywhere. From our Laura Jones painting to our Derek Henderson print to our Christopher Farr Cloth pillows – my poor husband!”

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However, while those pops of colour and floral prints certainly jump out at you, for me it is actually her coffee table, with its zinc top and Mangowood timber base, that takes centre stage. “I bought it online from Sasson Home shortly after my first daughter was born. We needed something that was kid-friendly and the round shape and low height meant there were no sharp corners for banging heads on! Also the zinc top picks up the silver tones in our home really nicely.”

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She’s forever changing what’s on her coffee table but “a vase filled with fresh flowers is always my favourite piece.” Georgie buys flowers weekly: “It’s my little indulgence and makes me happy.”

Also on display are beautiful fashion and interiors books, candles and little trinkets collected from her travels. “I travelled a lot in my 20s and have saved a few select pieces (I hate clutter so don’t hang on to a lot), such as this gorgeous wooden bowl from Guatemala and I love my piece of coral on top of my pile of books.”

Georgie Abay-Covet My Coffee Table


Looking at Georgie’s layered display it’s easy to think styling a coffee table is much easier said than done. Yet that doesn’t have to be the case, rather if you have fun and keep it simple, Georgie believes it’s really not that hard… she promises! “Have fun with it — styling your coffee table is a great creative outlet! Keep it simple – there’s nothing worse than too much clutter. You should love every single item on your coffee table. If you don’t have time to style your coffee table properly, my three quick essentials are fresh flowers, a book and a candle.”

See all our featured coffee tables.

Photography by Jacqui Turk

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

5 replies on “Covet my Coffee Table: with Georgie Abay of The Grace Tales”

Gorgeous home! I would love to know what Georgie is using as lounge covers as we have a similar lounge that has been covered in water stains by my almost-2 year old. Those covers look great and are more practical than getting aa new lounge before the end of the destructive phase!

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