Art Designers Homewares Styling

Creative wonderland of Finders Keepers returns to Sydney

Finders Keepers returns to their spiritual home at Eveleigh’s Australian Technology Park from the 29th of April to the 1st of May. As Australia’s leading maker market, there will be a fantastic range of goods on sale.

Photo credit: Dave Kan
Photo: Dave Kan

One of the most enchanting things about Finders Keepers is that you are literally surrounded by beautiful and unique products, with the creative minds behind them on hand to assist you or have a chat should you be interested.

Find homemade ceramics, hand poured and deliciously scented candles, original artworks and cushions and homewares suited for whatever room you’re decorating.

Studio Cockatoo. Photo credit: Bec Taylor
Studio Cockatoo. Photo: Bec Taylor

There is innovative and one-of-a-kind fashion, accompanied by a plethora of handmade jewellery stalls. Just as much as I enjoy browsing the clothes for sale, I love checking out the outfits stallholders and customers put together for inspiration. The whole market is imbued with creativity, not least the people in it!

Urban Cartel. Photo: Dave Kan
Urban Cartel. Photo: Dave Kan

Artist Leah Bartholomew, the mind behind homewares label Beneath The Sun, is featuring fine art at Finders Keepers this year. She says it’s this variety and chance to meet customers and fellow designers that draws her to the market.

“Hands down my favourite thing about the marker is meeting everyone who supports my brand, and interacting with fellow designers. It is such a highly professional setup where we get to showcase our work in beautiful buildings and be surrounded my top quality work.”

Beau Wylie. Photo credit Bec Taylor
Beau Wylie. Photo: Bec Taylor

It’s this opportunity to interact and share creatively that is making Shane Thompson, creator of leather goods label Afternoons With Albert, so excited to be participating in his debut Finders Keepers. He is excited to show customers the passion and authenticity that he puts into his work.

Angus and Celeste. Photo: Bec Taylor
Angus and Celeste. Photo: Bec Taylor

Shane is just one of many first-time stallholders at the market this year. Finders Keepers ensures that approximately 30% of the 200-plus stallholders are brand new, meaning that new and exciting items being created by community members have a chance to show off their work.

This is part of the magic of Finders Keepers – designers and artists at different stages of development meet and feed of each other. According to market organisers, the shoppers and community itself also helps nurture this growth.

Photo: Dave Kan
Photo: Dave Kan

So if you’re in the market for bespoke and handmade goods, or even if you’re not (I’m yet to come away from Finders Keepers empty-handed despite intentions otherwise!), check out Finders Keepers. I can guarantee you’ll come away happy and inspired!

For more information

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