Design Expert Tips Furniture Living Room

Design your dream living room with custom made furniture

With the living room being one of the most used rooms in the home, it’s an important space to get right when fitting it out with furniture. 

Make use of every inch with good-looking custom storage

Considering how frequently it is used, when designing your living room, you should be making the best use of space. The position of windows and doors, sofa sizing, and the need for storage are all factors that can affect how well the space functions and flows. 

One way to ensure your living room is both stylish and functional is with custom furniture. It’s a great solution when designing your dream living room as it has a number of benefits and there are so many different ways it can be used to upgrade your living room space.

Create a cohesive living room design

A custom furniture maker can work with you to design and build your dream furniture set that you can’t find in any shop. You can have any piece of furniture custom made to suit the style of your home, so you won’t have to spend hours trying to find that perfect piece. Also, if your living room flows on from the kitchen or dining room, you can get a seamless look by getting your furniture maker to match the finishes in those spaces to your custom living room furniture.

A custom built-in study nook

Hide ugly cables

Joinery in the living room means you can hide those unsightly cables that come from your tv, set top box, video game console or router. While all you see is a streamlined row of cabinetry, behind it, your cabinet maker can create a host of openings so you can group your cables together and feed them through. This keeps your living room free from clutter and the ugly mess of cables that can disrupt the clean look of your living room.

Cables? What cables?!

Utilise every space 

If you have an unusually shaped living room or awkward spaces that won’t fit standard pieces, custom furniture is the ideal solution to utilise that space. Install custom joinery to create a study nook in that void you can’t fill or have built-in bookshelves put under the stairs. Even if you have a standard living room shape, but it’s small, you’ll be able to design furniture that will make the most of your space, giving you a balance between storage and style – something every home needs!

Make a statement

While most living room furniture is designed around the position of the tv, why not add a custom entertainment unit or buffet, so it takes the focus away from the big black rectangle. Think shelving for beautiful decorative pieces and large, smooth countertops to create a sense of space. Using custom cabinetry means you’ll have a truly unique piece of furniture that can’t be found in the shops and there’s no better way to make a statement in your living room than with a one of a kind piece!

If you’re thinking about getting custom joinery or furniture made for your living room, remember to think about how the space will predominantly be used, what functionality you need, and how your custom pieces will fit in with the style of your home. Take those into consideration, and you’ll be sure to design the perfect living room for your home.

-Contributed by Husk&Co, specialists in the manufacture and installation of high-end custom joinery and beyond.

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