Art Interviews

Dive into the deep with ink artist Casey Freeman

Moody and atmospheric, Melbourne artist Casey Freeman employs an unorthodox mix of mediums to create her beautiful works. “I use ink, water and black tea on acid-free card,” says Casey.


It’s a mix that certainly produces an original result. “I discovered a unique painting process which involves pouring ink around a piece of card while methodically adding water, salt and black tea to the drying artwork,” she says.


The artist’s latest collection, The Blue Series, is an exploration of the colour blue as it appears in our natural surroundings. “My paintings often look like cloudscapes, mountains or ocean currents. I hope that my ink washes act as an invitation for self-reflection on how blue resides within,” she says.


Self-taught, Casey studied social science and psychology but is now enjoying motherhood while exploring her art. “I spend my mornings chasing toddlers around the Carlton Gardens, and come night time, I make the transformation into a nocturnal artist with blue-stained finger tips.”


Casey certainly brings elements of her formal studies to her new-found career. “I have to say that ink itself reminds me of one of those philosophical life matters, where moments can’t be recreated. Ink is like that. It’s entirely unpredictable which is both brilliant and challenging. When I paint something I like, I cannot replicate it,” says Casey.

unnamed-8Casey Freeman

Jen’s such a fan, she recently bought a piece from Casey.

See here for more.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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