Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Styling

Paint trend: Dulux goes back to the future for Autumn

Combining the classicism of traditional, earthy hues with a splash of bright colour, Dulux continues to inspire with its new Autumn colour palette titled Future Past.

151119-Dulux Autumn-001_HighResWalls painted in Dulux Pickled and Dulux Pretty Primrose

The decadent collection combines luxurious browns (Dulux Loose Leather is a standout), earthy greens (Dulux Pickled) and a splash of salmon for a modern twist – Dulux Pretty Primrose is a delicious shade of warm pink.

“While the 2016 Autumn palette can be seen to comprise stronger hues, don’t be afraid to add a darker colour into your home. The warmth these colours can add will transform any space and make it feel more inviting and snug, creating a cosy room to cocoon in during the colder seasons,” says Andrea Lucena-Orr, Dulux colour expert.

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Walls painted in Dulux Loose Leather

This colour collection combines traditional shades with contemporary ones, a trend that can be applied in a general sense throughout the home. “Celebrate antiques, heirlooms and traditional décor in a modern setting. Update older pieces with new finishes such as upholstery in bold colour or pattern, or a coat of paint to add a modern colour twist,” says Bree Leech, Dulux creative consultant and stylist.

As for interior styling in the cooler months, Andrea has some words of advice. “Ensure you love the colours you select for your home, and that the hues you select will work with your space, especially with lowering light in Autumn,” says Andrea.

But if, like us, you’d love to recreate that fabulous diagonal paint effect on your walls, be sure to check in tomorrow for our easy DIY how-to.

See here for more.

Photography by Mike Baker | Styling by Bree Leech and Heather Nette King


By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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