
Exciting news: Interiors Addict is off to Europe for 6 months!

I wanted to share some exciting news with you. In just under 2 months, my husband and I will be taking off to Europe for 6 whole months! Before you panic, first things first, the blogging will continue as usual! Interiors Addict will still be your one stop shop for everything about Australian interiors, homewares and personalities. But, in addition to this, I’ll be bringing you inspiration and finds from all over Europe, and especially the UK, too.

paris 2010

As most of you know, I recently married Damian and I’m originally from the UK. Before we settle into domestic bliss, a mortgage and parenthood, we’ve decided (after much deliberation) that now is our last chance to do something just for us and get the travel bug out of our system while it’s easy (of course you can travel with kids but it’s definitely easier and cheaper when it’s just you!). Added to this the fact that I can technically work from anywhere with a good internet connection, and it seems to be a no-brainer! I’ve employed my new assistant Olivia Shead to be my eyes and ears here in Sydney though, just to cover all bases!

We will be based out of London and Wiltshire with my relatives and it will be a great opportunity to spend quality time with my family and friends, who I’ve lived on the other side of the world from for the past 6 years. As and when work allows, we’ll be jetting off to Europe and exploring as much as we can. We have no concrete plan and will play it a little bit by ear. But that just adds to the adventure, right? We”ll also spend a month in the States and I couldn’t be anymore excited to FINALLY get back to New York. We’ll be back before you know it, in September.

olivia protrait
Editorial assistant Olivia Shead

We are VERY excited to say the least and the next 6.5 weeks are going to absolutely fly by with reader events in Sydney and Melbourne, a blog redesign, writing Greg Natale’s first book with him and much more to do before we leave. Needless to say I have no time to plan where we’re going to go so I’d love your suggestions of must-visit European cities!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

17 replies on “Exciting news: Interiors Addict is off to Europe for 6 months!”

That is such wonderful news Jen. Lucky things! Very much looking forward to reading about your adventures and new interior design discoveries from around the world. Having lived in Scandinavia previously I highly recommend travelling anywhere there for brilliant design expecially Copenhagen. Royal Design has a new store just opened in Gothenburg, Sweden which looks amazing on instagram and even easier is 100% Norway in London when they showcase new and upcoming really interesting designers each year. Hope you get a chance to see them.

How wonderful Jen. I am so jealous. Definitely better to do before kids. You must go to Old Salzburg. It’s so gorgeous with all those old shops and they have a divine Christmas shop too. Love it!

Exactly the right thing to do! We have always travelled with the exception of when the kids were young. Now we occasionally travel with them and they are in their late 20s. You are going to have a ball and get so many more experiences than you can even imagine. Lucky you!!!

Yay! Top of my list for shopping would be Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Berlin, Malmo in Sweden… and in the Uk visit Stamford, an adorable town near Cambridge. And Bath! Mucho jealous and can’t wait to see what you find!

What wonderful news and the perfect time to do it as newly weds. My husband and I went on our second honeymoon last year (only a year after getting married) and went to the places we were both dying to see. Spain! The south like Seville is just gorgeous and you cant go past Valencia where beauty is just everywhere. Florence, Italy is another favourite, sitting by the river on the wall with a bar across the road serving you cocktails at sunset… Enjoy!

Jen, I’m so excited for you and Damian. I can highly recommend San Sebastian (Spain) & Amalfi Coast (Italy) for visiting.
Now we’ll all be looking forward to your European adventure posts! xx

Great news! Sounds exciting!
Being from Switzerland I would recommend a trip to the little Chocolate country. Highly recommended is a trip with the Glacier Express through the Alps and visiting Zermatt/Matterhorn. Two words: Stunning scenery!

So exciting! Yes you can take kids with you when you travel, but it is a lot easier when it’s just you. I would recommend Salzburg in Austria – such a beautiful city ( you have to do the ice cave tour and the sound of music tour). The Cinque Terre (a group of 5 towns on a cliff side) along the north west coast line of Italy is a must – google it and you will see why. Also, Florence is such a pretty city – the large garden there is amazing and has the best view over the city and country side.

how exciting! totally agree, it’s the perfect time to go.

I’m a Wiltshire girl too! You don’t meet them often in Sydney…. Hope to see some rural pics back on the blog

Oh forgot to come back. I grew up in Marlborough and also lived in Corsham for while. How about you?

How exciting!! Good for you and Damian.

I’m looking forward to meeting you @ the Melbourne event Jen.

Fab news! You’ll make memories that will last for the rest of your lives 🙂

Apart from Paris and Venice (who could go past them!), I’d also suggest Prague, Ljubljana (in Slovenia) and Monet’s garden in Giverny, France – all amazingly beautiful!

I might see you on the plane as we’re heading over to London for our honeymoon in 6.5 weeks 😉

Exciting! I agree with Alison, Ljubljana is a fantastic little jewel, with beautiful day trips nearby (Lake Bled). The Cinque Terre in Italy is also gorgeous.

Wow what a jam packed year!! Looking forward to meeting you at the Melbourne reader event at the Haymes Centre!
I embarked on my life long dream overseas to my dream location last June, I’ve drooled over since 12 and it was even better in real life … It really is heaven on earth…
The Greek Island of Santorini!!
Enjoy! xo

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