
Fancy a career in home staging and a scholarship to assist?

Hosted by property expert Naomi Findlay, the upcoming 2017 National Home Staging Symposium hits Melbourne on July 8 and 9 with a wealth of information on offer for aspiring home stagers. And this year, two attendees will be eligible to win scholarships to advance their home staging careers too.

“The aim of the event is to explore, indulge and educate you about the world of home staging as it evolves and grows in Australia,” says Naomi. Attendees can expect to get the inside scoop on the Australian home staging scene and they’ll learn how to run an online business alongside a bricks and mortar one as well as how to build relationships with real estate agents and how to build a team of stylists and trades.

Naomi Findlay

“We’ll also teach you how to make money through establishing a large client base, how to create a work/life balance and how to implement insurance strategies to protect your career and business too,” says Naomi. Other practical considerations covered include knowing what trends to use and which to avoid, social media (which sites should you be using?) and how to establish your target market.

Last year’s event

And while the event is open to anybody, Naomi has a few specific people in mind that could benefit. “Property stylists or those with a passion to enter the industry should attend as you will have the opportunity to meet and network with new people who are on a similar journey. I think real estate agents and renovators would benefit also, especially if they’re looking to increase their knowledge of the home staging scene.”

And as if that wasn’t enough enticement, there’s also two scholarships up for grabs:  “One lucky attendee will be given the opportunity to study the Art of Home Staging and Advanced Home Staging Courses with the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) as well as a six-month Shine membership with IIHS. The total prize is valued at over $2,400,” says Naomi. The other scholarship is a mentoring one and is worth $3,300. “The mentoring scholarship will provide the winner with the IIHS mentoring program for three months and a six-month Shine membership too,” says Naomi.

Symposium applications close on May 21, 2017 | For more on the scholarships

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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