Interiors Addict

New property book reveals expert’s secrets to selling for more

Next week sees the launch of a fantastic book for anyone looking to sell their home for more, from renovation guru Naomi Findlay, one of our Reno Addict resident experts. What’s more, all profits from the book will go towards building a school in Cambodia. We have 20 books to give away too, but more on that later.

People pay thousands for Naomi’s renovating and home staging courses but you can grab all the best bits for yourself for just $29.99! Sell Your Property for More Money reveals top secrets to staging your home for sale. With Australian property prices generally rising this year, successful home staging opens up opportunity for owner occupiers or investors to increase their sale price substantially with small amounts of effort.

Just quietly, Naomi shared all her tips with me when we sold our apartment last year, for a block record no less! And I was proud to write the foreword for this book.

With the Australian property market in such good health and the RBA expected to keep interest rates on hold for the foreseeable future, more Australian families are considering selling their home for a variety of reasons. But getting the most for your property isn’t just down to the agent you pick. Popular TV shows such as Selling Houses Australia and The Block give a graphic illustration of just how much proper home staging can add to the value of a home.

It’s essential that vendors put time and effort into presenting their property in the best light, but many don’t know where to start or think it’s too hard and expensive. Contrary to popular belief, it is easier than they might think and some of the smallest changes can go a very long way. And Naomi is well qualified to tell them. Not only does she own successful staging company Silk Home, she also runs the International Institute of Home Staging. She’s renovated over 100 properties and staged more than 1,000 through her businesses.

“There is one thing in common that all vendors have—they want to get top dollar for their property. Achieving that is what is perceived to be the hard part,” explains Naomi. “Sell Your Property for More Money reveals the tips and tricks that will turn your property from average to amazing. The advice is relatively simple to follow. A successfully styled home will have buyers emotionally connecting before they start to consider the home from a functional or structural perspective. It could add tens of thousands of dollars to the value of your home.”

Naomi, who is the creator of the Rapid Renovation Formula, says real estate agents and property stylists will also find the book useful.

It includes tips on decluttering, the rooms that need to be accentuated during sale, understanding which areas need to be upgraded or renovated, styling tips including what to do with furniture and artwork, and opening up space. There is also has a handy section on commonly asked questions, gathered from Naomi’s numerous stage appearances and client staging projects.

All profits from the sale of Sell Your Property for More Money will go towards a Rapid Renovation Formula-sponsored school in Cambodia that is set to break ground in 2018 in conjunction with United World Schools.

Order your pre-launch signed copy online.


For your chance to win one of 20 copies, enter your details below and tell us in 100 words or less why you need this book! Entries close at midnight on Friday 18 August 2017.

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Fancy a career in home staging and a scholarship to assist?

Hosted by property expert Naomi Findlay, the upcoming 2017 National Home Staging Symposium hits Melbourne on July 8 and 9 with a wealth of information on offer for aspiring home stagers. And this year, two attendees will be eligible to win scholarships to advance their home staging careers too.

“The aim of the event is to explore, indulge and educate you about the world of home staging as it evolves and grows in Australia,” says Naomi. Attendees can expect to get the inside scoop on the Australian home staging scene and they’ll learn how to run an online business alongside a bricks and mortar one as well as how to build relationships with real estate agents and how to build a team of stylists and trades.

Naomi Findlay

“We’ll also teach you how to make money through establishing a large client base, how to create a work/life balance and how to implement insurance strategies to protect your career and business too,” says Naomi. Other practical considerations covered include knowing what trends to use and which to avoid, social media (which sites should you be using?) and how to establish your target market.

Last year’s event

And while the event is open to anybody, Naomi has a few specific people in mind that could benefit. “Property stylists or those with a passion to enter the industry should attend as you will have the opportunity to meet and network with new people who are on a similar journey. I think real estate agents and renovators would benefit also, especially if they’re looking to increase their knowledge of the home staging scene.”

And as if that wasn’t enough enticement, there’s also two scholarships up for grabs:  “One lucky attendee will be given the opportunity to study the Art of Home Staging and Advanced Home Staging Courses with the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) as well as a six-month Shine membership with IIHS. The total prize is valued at over $2,400,” says Naomi. The other scholarship is a mentoring one and is worth $3,300. “The mentoring scholarship will provide the winner with the IIHS mentoring program for three months and a six-month Shine membership too,” says Naomi.

Symposium applications close on May 21, 2017 | For more on the scholarships

Bathrooms Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

Do you really want a freestanding bath?

I have clients ask me on every bathroom renovation I do, if they should really have a freestanding bath? Although they look great and shows like The Block make it look like they’re the only bath worth having, the answer is not a simple one! It’s something that you need to consider carefully, paying specific attention to what you want from the bathroom space and your lifestyle.

Image: Aura Home
Image: Aura Home

To help make this decision, check out my pros and cons:

Why freestanding bath tubs are amazing…

  • This one might be arguable, depending on your personal aesthetic, but freestanding tubs win hands down on most occasions for the striking visual impact they offer!
  • They don’t require additional framework to be built in which saves on time and costs. They also don’t require tiling of a hob around them like inset baths. This also minimises grout lines which can become dirty and stained and require more cleaning.
  • Because of their all-sided finish, freestanding tubs can be placed anywhere, even in the centre of the bathroom if desired, which can have an amazing impact.
Image: Duravit
Image: Duravit
  • If they become damaged or you want to replace yours, you rarely have to make structural changes or re-tile.

The drawbacks of the freestanding tub…

  • In many cases there is nowhere to store things like soap, shampoo and conditioner, unless you use a bath caddy or a freestanding stool beside the bath.
  • Freestanding baths (especially the amazing stone ones) can be very heavy and might require floor reinforcement or at least a check of the sub floor’s strength before installation.
  • When placed close to a wall, they can be very difficult to clean around, so ideally there would be enough of a gap between the wall and bath to allow you to get in and clean the floor and wall tiles well.
  • Many freestanding baths are expensive.
  • Freestanding baths can have quite high sides, hence making bathing children or getting in and out more difficult.

All things considered, the decision to go for a freestanding or inset hob bath is very dependent on the space you have, your lifestyle, who will use it your the needs.

What is your preference?

Naomi Findlay is one of our resident experts, the director of Silk Home, principal of the International Institute of Home Staging and a serial renovator for profit (oh, and mum of four!).

Read all Naomi’s articles.

Expert Tips Styling

The perfect Sydney event for new and professional home stagers

Fancy becoming a home stager? Or do you want to improve your skills as a professional property stylist? If you answered yes, we have the event for you!

Naomi Findlay

Running 10 and 11 July, the first ever Sydney Home Staging Success Summit will teach both new and professional home stagers how to run a successful business. Organised by Naomi Findlay, principal of the Australia-based International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) and our very own Reno Addict expert, and Jana Uselton, founder of America’s Home Staging & ReDesign Association (HSRA), the summit will feature a session to introduce new property stylists to the field, as well as host seminars to advance the knowledge of those already in work.

“There has been such a high demand for property styling that it was time for the industry to make a push to bring more people in,” says Naomi. “Whether you’re a beginner who wants to find out whether home staging is for you, or a professional looking to sharpen your skills, this summit is a great way to gain business knowledge and meet like-minded people.”


The two-day event will start with a half-day introductory session to home staging, followed by a full day of workshops that will cover everything from working with real estate agents and running a home staging business to specialist sessions on luxury property styling and capturing the home builder’s market. Attendees can choose to attend one or both days, with places selling for $39 for the introductory session (including a gift valued at $39), $149 for the full-day summit and $168 for the whole event.

More information, including the summit agenda, can be found here.

Expert Tips Styling The Block

Alisa & Lysandra from The Block learn about vignettes

Even Block winners realise they can always keep learning more about interiors and design. So Alisa and Lysandra Fraser have been doing some studying and being mentored by Naomi Findlay of the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). Have a look behind the scenes in this short video and you might learn a thing or two too…

You may recognise Naomi from our Diary of a Reno video series.

Find out more about the IIHS and its courses.

Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Styling

Video: Diary of a Reno part 3

This week, Naomi talks about the importance of having a contingency fund because unexpected things do (always!) go wrong or crop up and require more cash! There’s also drama with some very stubborn wallpaper glue, but it’s not all negative! Watch the video for the full story.

If you haven’t already, watch part 1 and part 2 of the series first. The fourth and final part is coming soon! We’d love to know if you enjoyed this series and what else you’d like to learn about renovating? Please comment below.

Naomi Findlay is founder of SILK Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging and an experienced property developer in NSW.

Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Styling

VIDEO: Diary of a Reno part 1 + top tips for renovating for profit

I’ve teamed up with Naomi Findlay to bring you a real-time video diary of a reno. In true Interiors Addict ‘style without the snobbery’ fashion, we’re keeping it real, warts and all, telling like it is. Our camera work and editing skills are by no means world class, but we’re less interested in that and more interested in bringing you practical, useful advice and giving you a realistic view of the highs and lows of renovating for profit, hopefully making you realise you could do it too.

Naomi, with various business partners, has done more than 20 renovations in the last three years (eight just last year!). She also owns Silk Home Staging and Styling and the online International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). She’s also a mum of four. As well as helping people get the best price when selling their homes, it makes sense that she should renovate and stage her own for profit too

The house we’re bringing to you in this series is in the suburbs of Newcastle, NSW. “It’s an old home that has been bastardised over the years and the original features, other than two lovely ceilings, sadly removed,” Naomi says. “It is in ill repair and needing piering, sub floor repair, re-roofing, and a whole lot more!”

We won’t reveal exactly how much it cost until after it’s sold in case this affects the final sale price, but it was in the $300-to-$400k range. The budget for the reno is around $70K.

I want to allow people to see the real and unedited world of renos; super quick and in the case of this property, super budget! I am by no means a feminist but it is great to show how a woman like me, juggling a family of four and running my own businesses, can reno for profit and enjoy it,” Naomi adds.

I hope that people who want to have a go get an insight into what it is like and a thirst to know more about it!”

Naomi’s top five tips for renovating for profit are:

  • Buy well. This is where you make your money.
  • Have a team of trades as they will keep you alive.
  • Don’t forget to count your own time as money.
  • Keep a hold of the budget and review it weekly.
  • Time is money, so don’t lick stamps!
  • Know your market and spend you money based on ROI.

There are two main ways she sees other people get it wrong and these are putting too much or too little money in, depending on the market they are selling to, as well as trying to do everything themselves and it taking far too long. “They will go wrong if they think it is a ‘get rich quick’ thing and if they think it is glamorous!”

Naomi Findlay
Naomi Findlay

Many people put off having a go themselves and Naomi wants to encourage them to have a go, armed with the right information. “Some think that they are too time-poor or have no idea of where to begin. It is really hard as there is so much available on the net regarding developing property and there are so many valid and variable ways to develop or flip or reno for profit. All have their merits but it can be hard to sift through the information and work out what is best for you and your circumstances, considering your time, family, finances and skill level.

Mentoring is one of the best things that you can do when getting into this game; learning from someone else’s mistakes and their wins! They can help you work out finance, joint ventures, time schedules, budgets, roles and responsibilities.”

Naomi runs courses in home staging and styling, and business mentoring, through the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). Find out more.

Come back next week for the next installment!

Expert Tips Styling

Styling your home for summer

Today, stylist Naomi Findlay of SILK Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), shares some great tips on styling your home for the summer months.


Summer is well and truly here and we are increasingly looking for easy ways to enjoy it at home. Here are some quick tips for creating your ultimate summer-friendly environment:

Merge the outdoors and indoors

With the longer days and increased entertaining, now is the time to create indoor-outdoor living spaces.


A day in the life of a property stylist, developer and mum of four!

Naomi Findlay owns Silk Home Staging & Styling and the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), develops properties “on the side” and is a mum to 4 kids. I asked this modern day Wonder Woman to share a day in her very busy life!

Naomi Findlay
Naomi Findlay

5am: Wake with the youngest little one for a cuddle.

6am: Surface with the 4 kids for a breakfast run.

7-8am: Get ready for work and kids ready for school.

8.30am: School drop off.

Interiors Addict

Impress Shaynna and win a course at the International Institute of Home Staging

Are you a first-time first renovator, a flipper, a property developer or simply a would-be stylist who’d like to start their own business? The International Institute of Home Staging, which launched this week, could be just what you’re looking for! Luckily for one reader, we’re giving away a course worth $497 to whoever impresses our judge, Shaynna Blaze, the most.

The International Institute of Home Staging's Naomi Findlay
The International Institute of Home Staging’s Naomi Findlay

The International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS), which offers the first and only interactive online home staging and property styling courses in Australia, launched this week to help budding designers learn the art and business of making homes attractive to buyers. The demand for staging professionals has reached an all-time high in Australia, as real estate agents and vendors alike realise how much it can impact final sale prices.

Founder Naomi Findlay says: “The courses offered are put together by a fantastic array of Australian design, styling and business mentors that provide great insight into what is a growing industry. It’s designed to teach other people how they can make money on their own property sales or start their own property styling and home staging business.”


How to start a career as a home stager

Successful home stager Naomi Findlay was always being asked for her business secrets so she decided to start the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) to share her wealth of knowledge with the many people who are keen to forge themselves a flexible career in interiors. She spoke to Interiors Addict about the IIHS and shared some top tips for staging a home for sale.

Naomi Findlay of SILK Home Staging & Styling & IIHS

What exactly is home staging?

Home staging (also known as pre-sale property styling) is the process of preparing your property for sale in a way that gives you the best chance of achieving the maximum sale price in the quickest possible timeframe. It is a systematic process that involves many elements and aspects of maintenance, marketing and styling. All of these elements combine to provide a synergistic effect that showcases your property’s strong points and makes sure it shines and soars above its competition.

This is the kind of job lots of people think they could do. Why isn’t it as easy as it looks?

There are so many elements to the process of home staging, it is not all about pillows, lamps and throws. To stage a home successfully you require a thorough knowledge of the property market, astute research skills, project management abilities, strong foundational design skills, knowledge of the design industry and trends and high end communication skills, just to name a few. To top it off you need to combine all of these elements in often short timeframes.