Art Expert Tips Styling

Greenhouse Interiors: inspiring & empowering people to buy art online

Buying art, and then knowing where and now to hang it, can be anxiety-inducing for many. But at the same time, we’re all excited to add some colour and beauty to our walls. Greenhouse Interiors are helping inspire and excite us with their latest stunning winter art show photoshoot.

Art by Beth Kennedy, Natalie Jade, Katie Wyatt, Jen Sievers, Kate Mayes and Anna Cole

The creation of Melbourne stylist Julia Green, Greenhouse Interiors curate a gorgeous, and particularly colourful, range of art and homewares, which they sell online. They’ve always styled and shot their brands’ wares but displaying different artists’ work together takes it one further.

Art by Madeleine Stamer

“We are well known for our love of mixing styles and colours and patterns, and as an art destination we really want to practice what we preach,” says Julia. “Showing how to curate mixed mediums, colours and styles, within an actual home, is our commitment to our colour-loving, art appreciative audience.

Art by Georgie Wilson

“We want them to be inspired with fresh ideas, and ways to display their art, and give them confidence to build their own collections. So we invest in photoshoots to share our ideas and our passion for colour, with the hope it will be contagious!”

Another way they’re helping people visualise art in their homes and have confidence to buy it, is by investing in a free 3D augmented reality app, particularly helpful when buying a print or painting over the internet.

Art by Kate Jarman, Katie Wyatt and Beth Kennedy

“It’s such a game changer and takes the guesswork out of trying to visualise,” Julia says. “It has really helped so many people who were unsure, especially about scale. We are all about finding a connection to work you love, that is key, but the app just gives people that helping hand and confirmation needed to see the work they love on their own walls without leaving home.”

The artists represented are a varied bunch but their work sits together beautifully. “Each artist is very carefully selected by us, for their unique style. Then a lot of consideration is taken as to how to style their wares, to exemplify how to create vignettes, or simply allow an artwork to be a hero in a space,” Julia says, with the aim of creating images which sets hearts a flutter!

Photographic art by Armelle Habib

“The artists all create in their own studios, but when their work hangs out together, you would think there had been some kind of master plan or plot as they always work so well together! It feels like a small miracle each shoot, and it’s so satisfying to see the family of work displayed together. They all just belong! I always feel so proud when I see them all together!”

This particular shoot (which we’re only showing a fraction of here) by Armelle Habib was “a massive undertaking” in the home of interior designer Simone Haag. “We measured up every existing artwork where a hook was already in the wall (hanging art on location is precarious enough without adding more holes to people’s walls or pulling their plaster off with 3M hooks!),” Julia explains. “This meant we were restricted size wise. Then each artist was sent a brief for the size of the work, and it was all then plotted out who would hang next to who, in pre-production. Hats off to the styling team, in this case in particular, Aisha Chaudhry who oversaw this part.”

Ceramics by Karen Morton

The logistics of getting all of the work to set, stored, unpacked, and then hung, took took two long days. “The pack ups and downs are crazy on a shoot like this; it takes a tribe to make it work. We shot a record number of shots this time around due to Aisha’s meticulous planning and Armelle’s speedy professional  judgement. I would say pre-production spanned over four weeks.”

Textile art by Fleur Woods

Julia has always joked that shoots don’t fall off trees! “There’s just so much work that goes on behind the scenes and then after the scenes, and I need to thank every team member that has contributed to bring this one to life. We make a fab team, and that is why these campaigns work so well.”

See all the Greenhouse Interiors winter 2020 art

Photography: Armelle Habib | Styling: Julia Green for Greenhouse Interiors, assisted by Aisha Chaudhry and Jessica Retallack.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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