Interiors Addict

Happy Easter, readers!

I hope you’re all having a lovely, relaxing, Easter weekend with your family and friends. You just can’t beat a FOUR-day weekend, can you?!

easter eggs

Today I’m off to the in-laws for some family fun and plenty of food, no doubt. On our mini road trip to the Blue Mountains on Good Friday, I picked up these fair trade, handmade Belgian chocolate Easter treats for everyone. Now I’m not about to turn into some holier than thou chocolate snob, but it does feel nice to buy something I know has been made ethically and doesn’t come with a ridiculous amount of plastic and cardboard wrapping (but the kids love it, right?!).

Judging by what I know of Josophan’s chocolate (did you know there’s a new store in King Street, Sydney?) they’ll taste pretty damn good too!

Have you already made yourself feel sick eating chocolate for every meal this weekend? Or were you, like me, brought up not being allowed to touch your eggs until Easter Sunday?

Happy Easter everyone!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

2 replies on “Happy Easter, readers!”

I’m all for chocolates like these! And wait until Easter Sunday was the plan {not always successful now that I’m in control of my own chocolate bunnies}. That said, my mum was a firm believer in celebrating without giving us sugar overload, so we mostly received books for Easter and just a little token chocolate or candy egg ~ for which I’m still very grateful! Happy Easter, Jen.

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