
Home improvement shows inspire a nation of renovators

With the success of renovation television programs such as The Block, House Rules and Selling Houses Australia, more Aussies are taking the plunge to redesign their own homes.

Image courtesy of Nine Network

One in four homeowners plan to renovate their property in the next year according to a new survey by That’s a lot of plumbers, painters and carpenters needed across Australia!

The survey also found more than half of all homeowners have renovated in the past, so we really are a nation in love with the idea of renovating.


“Renovating is big business at the moment. Homeowners love to update, experiment and change their surroundings so there is always plenty of work around for tradies,” says CEO Jeremy Levitt.

“And with the property market continuing to soar, the rewards will be in not only the satisfaction a newly renovated space brings, but in the monetary rewards should they be renovating to sell.”


Whether it’s one room or a whole house renovation, there are many considerations to make before donning the tool belt or placing a job listing for a carpenter.

For help with where to start, see

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