Interiors Addict

Interiors photo month on Instagram. Wanna play? Here’s how…

Who is on Instagram? Who knows about #photoaday? Who wants to have some fun and be creative with their phone and interiors-inspired photos? If you read this blog, you know you do!

Fellow blogger Fat Mum SlimΒ came up with the super fun idea that is Photo a Day on Instagram and I thought it would be cool to start a specifically interiors version. Before doing this, I asked her permission rather than just ripping it off. We have manners here in the blogosphere. Thankfully she said yes. Thanks, Chantelle!

How do you join in? Easy. But you do need to be on Instagram first. Not sure what it is or how it works? Go here. Trust me though, you’ll love it! It’s like Twitter but with pictures, and an app that lets you put different effects on photos so even the most ordinary thing suddenly becomes ARTY.

So once you’re on Instagram, you should totes follow me. My handle is @jenbishop_interiorsaddict

Then you do this:

1. There is a word/s for each day of the month. You can find the list above and on Instagram at any time by clicking on the hashtag #interiorsphotomonth. Hashtags work just the same as on Twitter.

2. Each day, take a photo inspired by the corresponding word. so, for example, on July 22 the word is ‘living’, so you might snap your indoor cactus and post the pic to Instagram.

3. Add the hashtag #interiorsphotomonth (this is really important so everyone can see everyone’s photos easily) and the day’s word. So “#interiorsphotomonth living”.

Most of all have fun! If you miss a day, who cares? Join in again the next day! Any questions, comment here. The fun starts on Sunday 1 July, my birthday!


By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

9 replies on “Interiors photo month on Instagram. Wanna play? Here’s how…”

Sounds like fun! Could you please stipulate what you mean by Vignette please? I googled it but there was multiple meanings and not sure what to make of it πŸ™‚

Have really been enjoying playing along so have put it up on our blog to see if we can get more folk to play with. Yay! πŸ™‚

I read about this challenge on Kara Rosenlund’s blog. Great idea to adapt the ‘photo challenge’ to interiors. What fun. I’m having a lot of trouble with following instagram though – so slow – that I think I might post my photos on my blog.

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