
Join the eight-week painting challenge with Shaynna Blaze

Like us, we’re sure many of you have experienced procrastination when it comes to a DIY home painting project. Akin to a fitness challenge for home renovators, Taubmans has partnered with interior design authority Shaynna Blaze to encourage Australians to get back to the paint pots.

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Walls in Taubmans Bristol Harbour Mist

While many people cite a lack of painting skills as a reason for their procrastination, others have difficulty even choosing a colour as they can’t imagine the final result. The ‘Paint in 8’ program, starting on Tuesday (9 February) is designed to remedy this by giving people the confidence to paint, all in eight weeks.

“Many Australians feel their homes should be a reflection of themselves, but they often come unstuck as to how to turn their goals into reality. Paint in 8 keeps people on track by making sure the process is comprehensive and stress-free over an eight-week period,” says Shaynna Blaze.

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Walls in Taubmans Abstract Quarter and Blue Fog

The step-by-step program is designed to motivate and mentor would-be painters. From style advice to colour selection, the buying of tools and practical advice on painting, the program is ideal for those that want to undertake a painting project but just can’t get started.

3Walls in Taubmans Surprise Party

Walls in Taubmans Surprise Party

“Our research found that while people procrastinate and fear the painting task at hand, half actually love the social element of painting alongside family and friends,” says Nadine Miller-Vachon, Marketing Director of Architectural Coatings ANZ.

Click here for more.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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