Appliances Expert Tips

Keep your home fresh: how to clean your air conditioner

With arguably the hottest month upon us, there’s no better time to clean your air conditioner filter. This not only removes bacteria and mould buildup, but ensures that your air con is running efficiently. You can’t control air pollutants outside of the home, but cleaning your air conditioner’s filters will ensure that your family starts breathing some cleaner, fresher air.

Mitsubishi have released an easy how-to guide for cleaning your wall mounted split system. On top of cleaning your air conditioning filter once a season, Mitsubishi suggest that you get your air conditioner serviced annually by a licensed professional. 

Open your air conditioner

Gently, but firmly pull up the air inlet panel. Lightly hold the knobs on both sides and lift a little to remove the panel forward.

Tip: If the panels are jammed and a bit difficult to open and close, use gentle force so you don’t damage the unit.

Spot the air filters

Wall mounted reverse cycle systems are fitted with three different types of filters. Locate the light orange allergen filter, the orange deodorising filter, and the two mesh air filters, and gently remove them.

Wall mounted cool only systems are fitted with two different types of filters. Remove the two mesh air filters and the green enzyme filter.

Clean and dry

All you need is a sponge and some warm soapy water to clean out any trapped dirt and grime from your filters. Then simply place them somewhere safe in the sun to dry. Sun drying reactivates their cleaning properties. 

Tip: To avoid damaging the filters, do not clean them use boiling water or drying them over an open flame.

Done and dusted 

Re-installing filters for both reverse cycle or cool only models is stress-free and quick. Hold the filter firmly on both sides and insert securely. 

For more information

By Caoimhe Hanrahan-Lawrence

Caoimhe is interning at Interiors Addict as part of their degree studies at the University of New South Wales

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