
Learn how to make vignettes with Kara Rosenlund

For anyone who’s missed out on taking a vignette class with interior stylist and one time 7 Vignettes judge, Kara Rosenlund, this could be your golden opportunity.

vignette the school

Held at Megan Morton’s The School in Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney across May and June, the class will give you all the confidence you need to identify the best conditions to shoot in, construct your vignette arrangements and generally make beautiful images.

The class is a mix of practical and theory and promises to tackle your ‘inner Instagram demons,’ so when it comes to 7 Vignettes time, you’ll have no reason to be afraid!

Classes run for 2.5 hours and cost $120. For more information. 

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.