Interiors Addict

Learn how to create vignettes from Kara Rosenlund at The School

If you took part in the very first 7 Vignettes, my monthly Instagram photo/styling challenge, you’ll remember the lovely Kara Rosenlund was the guest judge. As well as being very generous with her comments and advice on participants’ efforts, we also saw how AMAZING she is at styling vignettes in her home with the most ordinary of objects (sometimes even chooks!).

Stylist Kara Rosenlund
Stylist Kara Rosenlund

Well, guess what? You can learn from her in real life when she visits Sydney with her famous caravan Frankie next month. She’ll be running a couple of classes on creating vignettes at Megan Morton’s The School, which also happens to be celebrating its first birthday (that year went quick!) so there’s all sorts of fun going on. She’ll also be setting up a two-day weekend market of gorgeous collectables from Frankie. Very exciting.

Find out more at The School’s website.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

3 replies on “Learn how to create vignettes from Kara Rosenlund at The School”

Ohh Jen. You got me so excited. I would love to learn how to create some vignettes for my house (and also say the name properly). But alas The School is too far away. Would love to see it as an online course.


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