Art Homewares Interviews

Maisie Callcott on starting her own homewares business at 12!

Trying to think back to what I was doing when I was 12 and I’m left with a big gaping hole. That’s probably because as a tween, I really wasn’t up to all that much. Life consisted of school, ballet, friends and sleep… and that was pretty much it. Ah, to be a kid again!


However, for Maisie Callcott, being 12 was a very different story. Rather, the business-savvy, craft-loving primary schooler began Maypole Design, an online business selling wall hangings, rope-based jewellery and accessories and clay bowls. (When our publisher Jen discovered Maisie’s work on Instagram recently, she had no idea she was so young, and no doubt many of her customers don’t either!)


That was in 2012 and now, the 15-year-old (nearly 16!) Adelaide local has turned her once all-consuming hobby into a very popular and successful business. “I have always been creative so I guess Maypole Design came naturally and that is probably why I find it so fun,” explains Maisie. “Most of my products are one-offs and are all made with the highest quality and lots of love!”


[contextly_sidebar id=”xdp2EfWLdwOtyhTR3Gp869GNKYtTVH5C”]Selling her products through Etsy, her online store and in boutiques all over the world, Maypole Design is all about supplying beautiful and unique handmade pieces that are just a little bit different. Here at Interiors Addict we can’t go past Maisie’s wall hangings, with each weaving taking a massive eight hours to complete! “I really enjoy making my weavings and put as much effort and love as I can into each one, so that my customers receive something unique that is special to them and exactly fits their space. Customers can also choose their colours, size and design, so the piece is special to them.”


While creating the wall hangings is admittedly long, Maisie loves the process for how relaxing weaving can be. She is also a huge fan of the textures and yarns, and how each piece is truly one-of-a-kind. “I love all different textures and try to combine as many as I can into each weaving as it creates a really cool effect. I only use the best quality yarns and rovings when making my weavings and source them from all over the world. At the moment I am obsessed with thick merino wool and include it often. You can do so much with merino and it can change the whole look and feel of the weaving.”


Alongside her wall hangings, Maisie designs and makes necklaces, keyrings, pom-pom planters and clay bowls. However, what I am most impressed by is her eBook for teenagers: How to build an online business while still at school, and if anyone should know how to do it, it’s Maisie! So for any tenacious teens out there, I’d definitely recommend a read.

Shop online.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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