
Marie Kondo mania: Declutter your life with Pinterest

There’s no denying that the world is currently in the grip of Marie Kondo mania. Not only was the book a best seller but the new Netflix series has beamed the diminutive Japanese dynamo into countless households and further evidence of the frenzy can be found on Pinterest where searches for the KonMari method are up a whopping 710 per cent! She was even invited to the Oscars this week!

And aside from specific KonMari searches, searches are also up for ‘minimalism’ and ‘decluttering’ with the Eastern Zen mindset of letting go (and living a less cluttered life) clearly resonating with people in the West. But I’m sure this won’t be news for many of you who have been using Pinterest to organise your life for years now.

Whether it’s Kondo’s hugely popular method of folding and storing clothes to decluttering the kitchen and organising books and paperwork, Pinterest is brimming with ideas to inspire your very own KonMari journey.

The ultimate pastel pantry
Gorgeous sorbet hues aside, the inspiration to be found via ‘From Great Beginnings’ has given me serious pantry organisation envy. There’s information on how to create a DIY command centre (the administrative hub of the home), a dedicated baking corner and an oil, vinegar and spice organisational set-up that is the stuff of OCD dreams.

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Image source: Pinterest/From Great Beginnings

The Organised Housewife
From a DIY compost bin to how to seriously organise a child’s wardrobe (think labels!), this board is full of countless ideas to inject some order into the chaos of home life.

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Image source: Pinterest/The Organised Housewife
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Image source: Pinterest/The Organised Housewife

Bathroom organisation
I don’t know about you but I feel like my bathroom cupboards are an organisational disaster. From random medicine to miscellaneous (and often old!) makeup and half used moisturiser I’m desperately in need of some bathroom organisational inspo which is why this board is rather handy.

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Image source: Pinterest/My Organised Home
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Image source: Pinterest/My Organised Home

For more | 2019’s top home decor trends according to Pinterest

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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