Interiors Addict

Megan Morton’s Melbourne styling masterclass at Hecker Guthrie’s designer HQ

Those attending Megan Morton’s science of styling workshops in Melbourne in October will experience award-winning design firm Hecker Guthrie’s headquarters.


“It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for design and styling lovers to take my class in a never-been-open-to-the-public before setting as well as having the bonus of being co-hosted by the Interior Designer of the Year himself, Mr Paul Hecker,” Megan says.


There are still spaces available for the workshops. Book here. In true MM style there is always something extra and a little different and she’s planning a dog instameet (yes you read right!) for the Sunday morning (more details to follow) and exciting things happening with flowers too.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.