Interiors Addict

My two-year anniversary of full-time blogging

Well I’ve made it: a second full year of blogging as a proper job! I’m so delighted! It’s been a particular achievement this year because for half of it, I was out of the country. And for that, thanks must go to my editorial assistant Olivia Shead for being a fantastic righthand woman!

There’s plenty more to thank too: those people who sell my ads, buy my ads, look after the techy stuff that goes right over my head, look after my books and do my graphics. So a big thanks to my advertisers, Emma and the team at HS3, Bloggerati by Nuffnang, David, Chantelle, Janna, and to Kathryn for stepping in as Block correspondent while Olivia and I were both overseas. It may seem like blogging is a solo pursuit, but when it becomes a business, you definitely can’t do it all and I’m really lucky to work with some absolute legends! Thanks also to Mr Francis and my supportive friends and family. Not to mention the many wonderful people in the interiors industry who champion the blog.

And you didn’t think I was going to forget you guys, did you? The readers! Without you reading I’d have none of this. A huge thanks. I am truly grateful.

Here’s to many more years! I’ll be using the Christmas break to work on new features for Interiors Addict and I would really value your input. If you have any feedback or ideas, please comment below. Thanks!


By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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