Designers Interviews

The new Ginger & Smart flagship boutique is a stunner!

Housed inside the Pacific Fair shopping centre on the Gold Coast, the new Ginger & Smart flagship boutique is one of the more striking retail interiors we’ve seen in some time. It also happens to pair soft pink (one of our favourite hues) with petrol blue – a bold match made in interiors heaven!

“We’ve created a space that engages with the Ginger & Smart resort lifestyle and plays with contrasts by mixing traditional elements of masculinity and femininity to find an intersection of magic. It’s a space that is neutral and warm, yet bold and confident, with a generous gesture of deep petrol green to the rear of the space,” says Mark Robinson of Melbourne’s Flack Studio, the interior architecture firm responsible for the fit-out.

Given the Australian designer fashion brand is known for its vibrant use of colour, it’s fitting that the store reflects this. “The best part of the project was working with Alexandra and Genevieve from Ginger & Smart – because they really embraced the design process it was fun for all. I particularly loved their braveness in colour selection – sometimes retail can try and play is safe – but not Ginger & Smart!” says Mark.

Paint colour: Dulux Celtic Rush

With a ‘fresh and contemporary, polished and yet playful’ directive from the fashion design duo, Flack Studio combined a mix of luxurious colours and materials for a super-stylish, high-end result befitting of the brand. “I love the use of colour and the material mix-up – plush carpet, luxe curtains, leathered finished black granite and deep chunky marble that counteracts the softness of the coral terrazzo and black caviar American oak joinery,” says Mark.

The Fibonacci Stone coral terrazzo on the floor is a particular highlight – inspired by the colours of an ocean reef, the terrazzo features a mix of orange and pink pigments with accents of white, grey and shell.

A close-up detail of the gorgeous Fibonacci Stone coral terrazzo that adorns the floor

“There is focus on our styling suites – a luxurious private space where customers and stylists engage. We also wanted the Ginger & Smart boutique to be one clients could navigate through with a sense of discovery – a series of high and low elements that takes the customer on a journey,” says Mark.

Paint colour: Dulux Christobel

Photographs: Toby Scott

For more Flack Studio | Shop Ginger & Smart

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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