Design Designers Interviews

Nostalgia trip: Melbourne restaurant takes us back to school

Like most design lovers, we love an inspiring hospitality interior and Melbourne’s Spice Sibling serves up plenty of that alongside tasty Thai/Australian fusion cuisine. A coffee spot by day and restaurant by night, we thought it a rather fitting feature given the school term kicked off recently.

“The brief called for a fresh, contemporary and inviting design with wide appeal as the space was to serve two purposes. It was also imperative that we made the most of the wide shopfront to create a strong street presence,” says Yaron Kanor, creative director at Studio Y, the interior firm responsible for the restaurant’s interior design.

A cute neon light feature

Drawing on nostalgic childhood references, the restaurant features schoolyard motifs alongside gorgeous soft shades of green. “The reference point was not a design period, it was childhood itself. Drawing inspiration from schoolyard nostalgia, Sibling Spice offers a contemporary take on childhood memory by bringing iconic elements from the schoolyard to life,” says Sophie Metcalfe, Studio Y interior designer.

“Extracting key schoolyard motifs like the canteen, classroom, sporting field and mesh fence, we recreated them in an appealing setting that’s delighting visitors of all ages,” says Sophie. The wide shopfront features an enticing takeaway nook that certainly adds to the street appeal of the business and is a busy hub of its own.

Takeaway coffee nook

The schoolyard scheme was a potentially risky one as it so easily could have veered into kitsch territory – something Studio Y were highly conscious of. “In incorporating these playful elements, it was crucial that the overall design was cohesive and avoided gimmicks. We added refinement with a palette of soft greens, dappled light and warm, light timbers,” says Sophie.

It certainly is an inviting space

“Our designers also loved integrating the great branding by POP & PAC to tell the Sibling Spice story. Turning what was once a derelict newsagent in Carnegie into the playful, warm and thriving restaurant it is today was a great homework assignment for us!” says Yaron.

Photography: Michael Gazzola

For more | More fabulous hospitality interiors

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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