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Real reno: floorplan change makes all the difference

Our Resident Expert Naomi Findlay takes us through her latest reno. What a stunning end result!


Property: Small, inner city cottage in Newcastle, NSW.

Time to renovate: 6 weeks

Profit after all costs: $35,000

Exterior after
Exterior after
Exterior before
Exterior before

What were the biggest challenges?

Creating an extra room in the home (the dining room as it did not have one originally) without increasing the overall floor plan. I had to milk that floor plan for all I could get out of it.

Watch the floorplan change…

Any nasty surprises?

There are always surprises when you renovate. Years ago I used to see them as nasty, now I work hard on seeing them as part of it. I figure if you have a budget buffer nothing is too nasty. I was not happy when I found a 30mm height difference between floors when I removed a wall! Also, in old homes there are always hazardous materials that need to be handled appropriately.

Did you change the floorplan? How?

I moved the kitchen location to make it at the rear of the property and to allow for a flow from the kitchen to the outdoor space. I created a dining off the kitchen, opened up the living and dining/kitchen to open plan and opened the rear of the house to the yard. I created a European laundry, made the bathroom twice the original size and turned the old kitchen into a bedroom.




Photo 15-09-2014 7 23 02 am
Before: this old bathroom was doubled in size
New bathroomIMG_7821
Before: the old kitchen became a bedroom
Before: the old kitchen became a bedroom
After: the bedroom that was a kitchen
After: the bedroom that was a kitchen!

How did you approach the decor and styling? What was your target market?

When renovating to sell, it is so important to walk the fine line of appealing to a huge market. Even when you think you know your market you have to play it safe ‘ish’ to some extent. Yet at the same time make sure it stands out from the crowd enough that someone will pay top dollar for it.

Photo 17-11-2014 9 34 25 am

Did you enjoy this reno?

I love every renovation, my happy place is on a building site!

What sort of interest was there in the property?

There was strong interest once the property was on the market. There were offers on it the day after it went to market, and an offer accepted within the first week.

What are your top tips for dealing with trades?

Be kind, be honest, be involved, be real and LISTEN! As well as this take coffee and kebabs.

How do you know when to spend or when it’s not worth doing something? How do you avoid overcapitalising?

You must know your market and you must know what the end-user will expect. When renovating for sale it is all about them and how you can get them what they want on a budget. If you can define who is going to buy it, and what other houses they are looking at, you can make sure that you are on the money with your inclusions. A detailed property comparison is essential before you even commit to buying the property.

Got a question for Naomi? Ask it here.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

0 replies on “Real reno: floorplan change makes all the difference”

Fabulous site Jen, love the before and agrees such a lovely little home. Bright and fresh and really appealing will have no trouble selling. Best of luck with the site.
x shellie

I love this – my favourite aspect is the kitchen…any more info on the tiles she’s chosen for the island and the splash back?

Hi Stacey

Thanks for your lovely comment. It was a great project to work on, the tile are called “Hexatile” and are readily available throughout Australia, they come in multiple finishes also so you can mix up your gloss and your matte finish for an amazing effect!

Love the art work in the last picture! I also love looking at before and after shots – so inspiring to see the potential with each space.

Thanks Ashlea! I think the before & afters are going to be very popular. We have some great new ones lined up for next week!

Hi there Kristy

The pendents are from one of my trade suppliers so let me know how many you need and I can email you prices and availability once the supplier lets me know.

Have a great weekend

Everything looks fantastic. I especially like the new roof and would love to know how much that cost to change and what was used??


Hi Emma

The roof was in amazing condition (obviously not the 100 years plus old like the rest of the house) so I was able to have it resprayed. It cost approx $2K plus GST at the time. I just colorbond surfmist as it is has great coverage to get rid of that “Indian/Heritage Red” roof. Hope that helps.


Love this! It’s great seeing the floor plan changes and the profit. Would love to see the budget (in addition to the profit), timeframe and some supplier details in future articles! Sorry I’m so nosey!!
Good luck – I’m sure this new venture is going to be a huge hit.

Where possible we will share these details, Casey. Was there anything you wanted to know about in particular from this reno that Naomi could help you with? Jen

This Reno is beautiful. Our house in Sydney is the pretty much the same style of Cottage . We are hellbent on renovating and extending it but
Have come up against a lot of
Flack – people think we should knock it over! This Reno has encouraged me to stay on track with our plans!

Love the white console table in the last photo! Can I please have details on where to buy?

Loving Reno Addict! Well done Jen! x

Hi Naomi!

Can I please have details on where you bought your white console table in the last photo? Love! You did such an amazing job!


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