
Reno Rumble grand finale reveals and $100,000 winners!

WOW! That was one SERIOUS makeover on Reno Rumble last night! I may have shed a tear or two for the beautiful family who lost their daughter Beccky, who was a big fan of the show. As did Justin!

The two remaining teams pulled off the best transformation of the series without a doubt, not just transforming the existing home but substantially adding to it. To say the family were blown away would be an understatement! So in a way, it didn’t really matter who won last night, despite there being $100,000 at stake.


But John and Lisa were victorious in the end, just beating Scott and Nadia, and well deserved, I’d say! (We’re interviewing them this week so look out for that post very soon!).

“When we saw that house for the first time, we nearly levitated,” said Justin! He and Colin were speechless, with Justin saying it was one of the best makeovers they’d ever seen. And they’ve seen a lot!

Let’s take a look at all the rooms in last night’s stylish, classy, Hamptons style home…

Lisa and John’s hallway: 19/20

Get the round table or the artwork


Scott and Nadia’s en suite: 19/20


Lisa and John’s bathroom: 17/20


Scott and Nadia’s laundry: 17/20

Get the peg bucket


Lisa and John’s dining room: 17/20

Get the pendant light or the dining chairs


Scott and Nadia’s breakfast nook: 18/20


Lisa and John’s living room: 19/20

Get the artwork or the rug


Scott and Nadia’s kitchen: 18/20

Get the cabinet handles


What did you think of this latest series of Reno Rumble with Colin and Justin as judges?

All our Reno Rumble coverage

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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