
We reveal: Darren Palmer’s top four kitchen storage tips

If there’s one room in the home that should be uber functional, it’s the kitchen. Organised storage and easy accessibility to cooking ingredients and implements are key but given there is so much whizz-bangery available these days, we asked interior designer Darren Palmer to reveal his favourite kitchen storage solutions.


“I’m a sucker for anything that has a surprise built into it. Think James Bond’s cars and watches, there was always something neat tucked away to get him out of bind or even just to give him the advantage. I know it’s a long bow to draw but it’s the same with the cool storage solutions we see in kitchens these days. Anything that pops up, sweeps open, swooshes up or spins around to reveal some cool hidden storage just gets my heart racing. It’s nerdy I know,” says Darren.


Drawers & cupboards
Great storage is absolutely essential so when designing a kitchen from scratch consider what you already own (create a checklist) and then allow room for future purchases (Darren recommends 15-20 per cent). “This will not only ensure you have a place for everything but it will also allow you to decide when to use drawers and when cupboards may be more suitable. For example, deep drawers ensure that everything is visible and reachable however may not be suitable for larger appliances,” says Darren.

A massive fan of the island bench, Darren loves them chiefly for their entertaining and storage aspects. “Choose from a variety of design options to suit your space, needs and style. If you love to entertain, introduce an overhang for dining with space for stools at the front or sides and add storage at the back of the island. Alternatively, you can choose to design the back with deep storage and leave the front as a feature or double up with storage on both sides. You may also like to consider introducing wine fridges, wine racks, and appliances such as dishwashers and/or microwaves to your island bench to create more storage space on your back benches,” says Darren.

The pantry
“Whether built-in, butler’s, walk-in, or a combination; a well-conceived and designed pantry can transform the way that you organise and use your kitchen,” says Darren. Even better is a walk-in or butler’s pantry which is an excellent solution when entertaining – like a toy room, you can simply close the door on the mess when your guests arrive. Many of us are tight on space though and this is where a pull-out pantry comes into its own.

Pull-out pantry

Lose the dead space
The corner cupboard used to be a dead space but there are lots of fabulous design solutions that ensure this is no longer the case. “One of my favourite space savers is Hettich’s Le Man Blind Corner Shelf System. Made up of two kidney shaped shelves which can hold up to 20 kilograms of items each, this system transforms a full cabinet depth void into a highly functional space, perfect for storing essentials like pots and pans in an otherwise blind corner,” says Darren.

Maximise your corner cupboard space

Internal organisation
From spice racks and drawers to knife holders, towel rails and adjustable drawer dividers, there are so many internal organisers available that will optimise your kitchen space and make it so much more efficient. “Remember every single void area is an opportunity for storage. Kitchens are made more functional, effective, efficient and even beautiful by specifying a higher level of internal fittings,” says Darren.


Visit Freedom Kitchens for more kitchen inspiration or to book a free appointment with one of their designers.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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