Interiors Addict

Sibella Court workshop on commercial spaces

If you’re interested in styling commercial spaces then Sibella Court’s latest workshop Commercial Concepts could be just for you.

Learn about the ins and outs of designing a commercial space on 8 February 2012 from 6.30pm. Super stylist Sibella will hold court (pardon the pun) in one of the spaces she has designed. She will discuss the entire process: coming up with a brief, concept development, colour palette, furniture and finishes, installation and final touches.

You will be able to understand how commercial interiors come to be through physical examples of the space that you are in. Chat with Sibella about how research and history creates a strong conceptual foundation and how the steps that follow are all based on this.

Shopping, sourcing, creating a colour palette, applying an idea to space, considering seating and floorplan, arranging furniture, art installation and styling will all be discussed.

Location still to be disclosed but it will be a venue that Sibella has designed in Sydney city (Interiors Addict would guess it’ll be one of the Merivale bars/restaurants). Complimentary alcoholic drink on arrival.

Buy your ticket ($80 each) here.

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By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.