Art Interviews

Artist Alizon Gray brings calm in challenging times

“I am hoping that I can bring a little bit of beauty to the world when it all seems so ugly. Maintaining hope and an appreciation for beauty is so important in times like this,” says Melbourne abstract artist Alizon Gray whose colourful yet calming works are just the antidote in times like now.

While acknowledging that her latest works have been created against a shambolic global backdrop, Alizon is hopeful that her beautiful oil paint creations cut through, bringing joy in this incredibly anxiety-provoking time.

Artist Alizon Gray in her Melbourne studio
Artist Alizon Gray in her Melbourne studio

“Considering the current mood of the world and the fear that many people have been experiencing in relation to climate change and now the coronavirus, I am focusing on making paintings that are quiet and calming. I am using lots of different colours in the paintings but working towards harmony in the marks and colours in the final layers,” says Alizon who graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art (honours) from the Victorian College of the Arts and works out of a home studio in the Melbourne suburb of Northcote.

'Frost' oil on canvas
‘Frost’ oil on canvas
'Prosecco' oil on canvas
‘Prosecco’ oil on canvas

Describing her paintings as ‘abstract landscapes,’ Alizon uses minimal mark making around the edge of her paintings, leaving a calmer contemplative painted space within the interior.

“There is usually a horizon line in them somewhere; but I don’t like to be prescriptive about it. Often people will tell me that they see all sorts of images in my work that I would never have seen. I think that what we each see in any abstract work is very personal, and whatever we get from it is totally valid,” says Alizon.

'Forest' oil on canvas
“I spend a lot of time looking at my paintings as they develop and enjoy watching the different colours hum or settle as the layers build,” says Alizon.

An obvious colour lover, Alizon also finds inspiration in colour itself and is a big fan of Ken Done and his painting philosophy. “I love his idea that paintings can be beautiful objects that grow with you and give you pleasure over time, that you can find something new every time you look at them,” says Alizon.

'Florentine,' oil on canvas
‘Florentine,’ oil on canvas

And while she’s held many solo and group exhibitions since graduating, her most recent achievement is very impressive indeed. Alizon has just been announced as the winner of Fenton & Fenton’s inaugural ‘Australian Rising Talent’ artist search.

Calling Fenton & Fenton ‘an institution,’ Alizon is very excited about the possibilities that may open up from showing her work through the business. “I’m also thrilled to have the chance to share my work with a new audience.”

Photography: Dave Kulesza

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