The Block

Josh and Elyse win The Block! Auction recap.

They did it! The young favourites, Josh and Elyse, won series 13 of The Block in last night’s (well, Saturday’s really) auction. Good on ’em! It was a beautiful house and they worked really hard. Taking home over half a million bucks, it was a great night for the couple, and somewhat underwhelming for others, but everyone was gracious and grateful for their winnings, which was nice to see.

Here’s how the auctions panned out…

First up: favourites Josh (with a man bun and no shoes!) and ever-glamorous Elyse, who humbly said any money was a bonus as the show had already opened many doors for them (I think we all know they’ll have sponsorship deals a plenty!). Bidding started at $2.6m and momentum kept going with buyers’ advocates Frank Valentic and Greville Pabst in on the action. Greville finally had the winning bid for his client of $3, 067, 000. The young couple were clearly overjoyed with their 447k winnings! What a great start! “That’s life-changing,” said an overwhelmed Elyse. And then it was revealed comedian and TV personality Dave (Hughesy) Hughes had bought it! Quite the coup!

Second up: Controversial Jason and Sarah! It was all about buyers’ advocates Frank Valentic and Nicole Jacobs this time with Nicole winning for her client at $3, 007,000. This meant a generous $387k for the couple. “It honestly changes our entire life,” Jason said. “It’s huge. It’s insane.”

Things were going so well!

Third up: That very likeable duo Sticks and Wombat! It was all about Frank and Nicole again! Things stalled at $2,650,000 and everything felt a bit flat with Sticks in particular looking pretty devastated and the other contestants visibly disappointed for him and Wombat. They still ended up with $130k though and took it so well. While Shelley Craft was almost in tears for them!

Fourth up, the polarising (in personality and house!) Ronnie and Georgia! And it was over as soon as it started with Georgia in tears as bidding stopped at $2,600,000, just below the reserve. The house was passed in on Scotty’s strong recommendation. Negotiations with highest bidder Frank brought it up to $2,725,000 as his best and final offer. Then Nicole came to the couple with her client’s best and final offer of 2,781,000, which was accepted. Ronnie and Georgia did seem surprisingly happy with their $161k while the other contestants clearly expected them to be a lot more disappointed. But as Ronnie said, it was like buying the winning scratchie and a good amount for 6 months’ work, tax free. Phew!

Fifth and final, the (albeit lovely) underdogs, Hannah and Clint! Tensions were high after Ronnie and Georgia’s underwhelming result. $2, 410,00 was the starting bid and the bids kept coming. But it was short lived. And the depressing music started as things stalled $20k under reserve at 2,5000,000. And then it started again! Frank got this one at $2,615,000 so $95k for the couple. Hannah said she was over the moon. “We’ve absolutely loved renovating,” said Clint. “It’s been an incredible 12 weeks.” Gosh, I love those two! “What a beautiful couple,” Scotty said. Clint added: “It clears all our debts. The show gives everyone the opportunity to change their lives and it has.” Bless him!

So the youngest couple, and indeed the favourites, did it! Josh and Elyse took home $577k with the extra $100k for winning. What an amazing result for anyone, let alone a couple in their 20s!

We’ll have Greville Pabst’s thoughts on the auction results for you tomorrow!

What am I going to watch on TV now?! Back to Netflix and the Lifestyle Channel it is… Actually, I am absolutely LOVING the new Love It or List It? How about you?

All our Block coverage.


How to select a real estate agent

When selecting a real estate agent it’s all about choosing the person who can best influence the price of your property upwards. You need to ask yourself: who can achieve the best result and how are they going to do it?

Mark Foy of Belle Property Surry Hills

Finding that perfect agent can be hard, and there’s no way around the fact that you have to do your due diligence. So visit your potential agent, go to some of their open homes and auctions and check them off against the below checklist. If they get seven big ticks, then I think you’ve found the one!

1. Buyer relationships and access to buyers

What properties does your agent have on the market in your local area and do they have an extensive network across the country? Select an agent who does a lot of sales in the area but also has a broader network, because more buyers equals more dollars. It’s that simple.

2. Negotiation skills

What quality of questions do they ask the buyers and will they always go back and ask for more money?

One of Mark's recently sold properties. Photo credit: Belle
One of Mark’s recently sold properties. Photo credit: Belle Property

3. Superior local market knowledge

Your agent should be well aware of the buyers in the market place and the properties you are competing against. They should know what properties your buyer has bided on in the past, because then they will know how much money they have to play with.

4. Auctioneer

There’s no point having a good agent if you don’t have a good auctioneer selling your property. It’s so important that the auctioneer is able to keep the auction flowing and build momentum. Make sure you watch the auctioneer in action before deciding to go with them.

One of Mark's recently sold properties. Photo credit: Belle
One of Mark’s recently sold properties. Photo credit: Belle Property

5. Editorial

What reach does your agent have to promote your property in the media? Free editorial makes a big difference and puts you a cut above the rest. It’s going to influence the price upwards and will help get more people through the door.

6. Team operations, customer service and buyer experience

It’s not just your agent that’s representing you, but their team. What’s the dynamic? Who handles the buyers? How many people work your open home? How long has everyone been in the industry?

One of Mark's recently sold properties. Photo credit: Belle Property
One of Mark’s recently sold properties. Photo credit: Belle Property

7. Presentation

How does your agent present your property? Real estate is about finding that feeling, and when you walk into a property you either get it or you don’t. There’s only one first impression. So does your agent have good access to stylists? Do they know what time of day shows your property in the best light? Do they know when bin night is? All these little things make a huge difference when it comes to showcasing your home’s maximum potential.

— Mark is the principal director of Belle Property Surry Hills.