
Sly’s Art Deco, laser cut bamboo trivets are certainly unique!

Featuring their signature geometric look, Sly’s first foray into tableware is unlike anything I’ve seen before. Inspired by the Art Deco era, their set of four small trivets (or coasters) and one large trivet, are precision cut from natural bamboo, a highly intricate process.


“They are laser cut which can be a timely process considering how intricate these designs are,” explains Sly founder Lauren Finks. “I also spent many month sampling, as I wanted to see how the lines translated into the bamboo and how they would hold cups and plates. I didn’t want to make them too gappy as I still wanted them to be functional.”


Choosing bamboo for its natural, lightweight and durable qualities (it’s used as scaffolding in Hong Kong!), Lauren then conditions the final products with raw linseed oil, to give the trivets a bit of waterproofing and a nice golden colour.


All produced in Australia, prices start at $50 for the set of four trivets. Pre-order now for late October delivery. Shop online.

Photography by Annette O’brien