Expert Tips

The best ‘cleanstagram’ accounts to follow for home organisation inspo

It’s #NewYearSameMe and a fresh opportunity to get on top of all those life admin tasks you’ve been putting off. First stop, home organisation.

If 2020 (good riddance!) has taught us anything, it’s that our home is our castle. Freshen up your living space and Instagram feed in 2021 with inspiration from the best Aussie “cleanstagram” accounts on the ‘gram, according to Instagram themselves.

The Organised Housewife

This Gold Coast mother-of-three was inspired to tidy up her home and is on a mission to help others do the same. Kat Springer’s account provides inspiration and advice to people across Australia on how to clean up their home and create space in the smallest of cupboards, amounting to nearly 110K followers. Start 2021 on the right foot by following along with Kat’s New Year 14 Day Home Refresh guide, posted daily on her ‘gram. Check out this reel on how to organise your junk drawer.

Little Strong Home

Carmen Strong, a creative mastermind, inspires her followers to bring a little more organisation into their life. The mother-of-two is a full time retail manager by day and part-time organisational wizard by night. Take a look at this reel here tackling the dreaded under-sink cupboard!

Belle Abode

Nina Belle built her home with her husband a couple of years ago, designing it in a way that would make her life easier so she could spend more time with her family. With almost 40K followers, Nina is all about empowering Aussies to get the best utility out of their homes and spend the extra time with loved ones – a lesson that has proven to be very true after a year like 2020. This dreamy before and after reel will give you endless inspiration for your pantry.

Mama Mila

Melbourne mother-of-two, Chantel Mila has broken the internet with her clever home hacks and organisation. With over 40K followers and counting, her time-saving and cost-cutting hacks bring fun and functionality back into the home, from time-saving ways to fit a quilt cover, to DIY cleaning products, and how to make better use of your cupboard space by learning to fold your towels into a resort-style display.

And here’s a couple of Jen’s personal fave follows for home organisation inspiration:

Just another Mummy Blog

An Organised Apartment (for small space living with kids)

Kids Rooms

Dollhouse dreams: The real house created in miniature

After Youla Saff had finished styling her two daughters’ rooms, she decided to pursue the painstaking task of recreating them in miniature in what resulted in one of the most amazing dollhouses we’ve ever seen. From the tiny replica furniture to the amazing finishes (Youla even stained the timber floors!) you can’t help but be impressed by the level of detail.


Dollhouse kitchen
Dollhouse kitchen

“I had this little lightbulb idea to replicate our home in miniature so the girls can have a piece of our home forever. After styling and revealing their rooms, I decided to dedicate some time towards the gorgeous Victorian dollhouse we had and start planning the mini reno. Little did I know then, it wouldn’t be so little,” says Youla who purchased most of the items online – a mix of regular and custom pieces.

Tahlia's room
Taliah’s room

Taliah's room recreated in miniature
Taliah’s room recreated in miniature

Youla estimates that she put in at least 40 to 50 hours work on the dollhouse. “It took me approximately two days to stain, cut and install the timber flooring as I did it all myself using the same stain as the timber in our home. We repainted the house to our feature colours and built custom furniture too,” says Youla who explains that the timber floors were the most intricate, fiddly and messy part of the project. “But sanding back the mahogany paint to recreate my study was also a nightmare!”

Taliah's teepee
Taliah’s teepee

Taliah's teepee in miniature
Taliah’s teepee in miniature

The dollhouse was initially received with a fairly lacklustre response from five-year-old Taliah. “Her exact words were ‘I don’t care, this isn’t a gift’ and then she cried. I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh myself and my husband just burst into laughter. I think she expected some bright Barbie pink furniture which would’ve been much cheaper and easier. But I don’t think she understood the concept of the replica,” says Youla.

Youla's study
Youla’s study

The study in miniature
The study in miniature

“She plays with it a lot now. I often find her hidden in her room pretend playing and I absolutely love it. It’s a big difference to the initial reaction of when she received it. She didn’t love it at first sight, but she has definitely learnt to love it and appreciate it. I would love to lie and say I have deleted that reaction from my mind, but it will be eternally etched into my memory. Maybe there is a lesson to take from this, maybe keep things simple next time. And maybe fewer projects? Yeah right!” says Youla.


The nursery in miniature
The nursery in miniature


Replica playroom
Replica playroom

And if you thought that was impressive, check out the cubby house her husband just completed for the girls!

When can we move in?!

Follow Youla’s decorating adventures on her blog, Belle Abode

Where to find stylish dollhouse furniture