Interiors Addict

BabyMac’s Beth knows there’s no place like home

Beth MacDonald (aka BabyMac) is a super popular mummy blogger who moved to the country and created the most cosy looking home for her family. Here she shares a look inside and explains juggling motherhood with being a neat freak.

Baby Mac house 1

This Southern Highlands house has a huge open plan living space, plenty of lovely natural light, a colourful mix of old and new furniture and a wonderful fire, perfect for snuggling up by with a glass of red. Jealous.

Baby Mac house exterior

“Home is so important to me,” says Beth. “It’s everything. While it’s not all about ‘stuff’ or an exact place, it’s about being totally comfortable and at peace and happy. It’s being with people that you love, and who love you. It’s about pottering about and doing things that make you happy and it’s where all my very favourite things in the world happen: the first sip of a hot coffee, the crackling start of the fire being lit, a champagne bottle popping with friends over, serving a meal to people that I love and care for, reading a quiet magazine, gardening or watching the sunset out on the verandah with a drink in hand and (husband) Rob by my side.”