
How to create the perfect designer walk-in wardrobe by The Block’s Frank Valentic

Whether you have an abundance of space or an area that requires you to be smart with your storage options, there’s always ways to improve the efficiency and functionality of your walk-in-wardrobe. Here’s some tips from Block buyer’s advocate Frank Valentic to assist you if you’re thinking of renovating and adding a walk in wardrobe to your home, or even just altering your existing space.

Ayden & Jess Walk in Robe
Ayden & Jess’ walk-in wardrobe
  1. Shelving: For anything that’s accessed regularly, shelving is the perfect idea as it’s quick and easy to grab in a hurry. Shelving also allows you to customise the space to suit what you are storing. It’s a great idea to try to ensure your shelving size caters to the item you’re storing so as to not waste any space. Always ensure there is a good variety in size to cover everything from shoes, hats, handbags and folded up items to long dresses, coats and pants. Interchangeable shelving space for this reason is perfect for this type of storage as it allows you to adjust space for the seasons and means it’s not too personally customised and will appeal to buyers if you are planning to sell the property in the future.
  1. Light: This is a room where good lighting is essential, natural light is a great accessory in deciding what to wear but make sure you have good quality blinds that can be closed when the room’s not in use to ensure your clothes don’t fade. A window that can be opened is also ideal for allowing fresh air and circulation in what’s often a small/tight space.
Josh & Charlotte Walk in Robe
Josh & Charlotte’s walk-in wardrobe
  1. Drawers and Dividers: Drawers are essential to put away everyday items like underwear and socks. Segmenting drawers will make your space just that much more efficient and is a great idea for items that can easily become a bit of a mess such as jewellery. Again, adjustable dividers are a great idea to give you the ability to change the size and shape of the space.
  1. Hooks: Don’t waste space on walls and doors, add hooks as they are a great way to get accessories such as jewellery, scarfs and ties out of the way.
  1. Mirrors: A mirror or two is not only essential for this particular space, but they will also make the room appear larger and more spacious.
Tim & Anastacia Walk in Robe
Tim & Anastasia’s walk-in wardrobe
  1. Neutral colours: Sticking to a neutral palette in this space is best to ensure clothes and accessories are clearly visible and it will make it more efficient in selecting items to wear. Lighter colours if you have a small space will also make the area feel larger.
  1. Practical positioning: Give the room a flow effect and order items in the way you would make your selections on a daily basis, for example, position accessories closer to the exit so you can quickly and easily grab them on your way out.

Make sure to keep in mind that while having a large area for a walk in wardrobe is almost every women’s dream, it should not come at the cost of space in your master bedroom or ensuite. Getting your proportions right is vital for a functional home design and could be a costly decision if not balanced well when it comes time to sell your property.

— Frank Valentic, buyers’ advocate judge on The Block and director of Advantage Property Consulting