
Foodie Friday: Spicy roasted cauliflower soup

Foodie Friday

Today, our favourite nutritionist Rosie Eyre is sharing a warming soup recipe that’s as good for us as it is delicious!

Serves 2


1/2 cauliflower (200-300g), cut into florets, include stalks

1 garlic clove, peeled and roughly chopped

Olive oil

Sea salt & pepper (for cauliflower)

1 tsp mustard powder

1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (optional if you don’t like spice, leave out)

1 tsp garam masala

1 white onion, finely diced

500ml bone broth

3 tsp apple cider vinegar

Salt & pepper, to season

To serve: 1 tbsp yoghurt (can be Greek or coconut), a large handful of parsley, roughly chopped and a handful of seeds (pumpkin, sesame seeds).


Pre-heat oven to 180°C. In a medium roasting tin, add the cauliflower florets, a good drizzle of olive oil, garlic, dust in curry powder, cayenne and garam masala, a pinch of sea salt and pepper. Toss to ensure all is covered.

Place in the oven for 25 minutes until cauliflower is browned. Remove tray from oven.

Heat a large saucepan, medium heat. Once hot, drizzle a splash of olive oil. Add onion and fry until soft and fragrant. Add cauliflower, apple cider vinegar and broth. Let it simmer for 15 minutes then take off heat, add some extra water if too thick.

Blitz soup until smooth with a whizz stick.

Serve with a dollop of yoghurt, fresh parsley and a handful of seeds.

If you love this recipe, check out Rosie’s eBook: Warm Your Cockles: 10 Healing Broths & Soups.