Design Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to use copper in your garden

Copper fixtures is a trend that’s big in kitchens and house interiors and it’s definitely also being requested and featured prominently in designs of outdoor spaces. But how can you use copper in the garden to create a stylish and contemporary backyard?

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Placing a statement copper piece in your outdoor area adds character, charm and something unique to draw the eye to. Copper works well for light fittings, outdoor showers, fireplaces, water features and bespoke pots.

One of the things that work so nicely when using copper outdoors is that it acquires a beautiful patina over time. This look works particularly well for light fittings and shower heads, as the patina allows them to subtly settle into the garden.

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However, if the polished copper look is your preference, then keep copper pots and fittings under shelter so they weather more gradually or get used to polishing!

Just about any plant looks good with cooper, tall leafy plants such as a Kentia palm or fiddle leaf fig work really well. Silver foliage plants also contrast beautifully. Kalanchoe ‘silver spoons’ have a really interesting texture and shape and offset the copper perfectly.

– Matt Leacy is a landscape designer and director of Landart Landscapes.