The Block

Block’s Matt & Kim to the rescue on Domestic Blitz tomorrow

Remember Matt and Kim from The Block Sky High? If you were fans, you can check them out tomorrow night on Nine in Domestic Blitz – Matt and Kim to the Rescue.


The Napolis were just like any other hardworking Australian family. Rocco Snr is a self-employed tiler; his wife Ricki, a dedicated wife and mother. Along with their two children Rocco Jnr (10) and Melina (8) they’d built a modest and happy life in the Perth suburb of Belmont. Rocco was a sports mad West Coast Eagles and Perth Glory fan, with a zest for life and a big personality.

However a year ago, their lives changed dramatically.

Young Rocco was suddenly struck down by fatigue, headaches and irritability. When the family had Rocco examined by a specialist their worst fears were realised. Rocco had a rare type of brain tumour called craniopharyngioma: a benign tumour that develops on the pituitary gland.

 Surgeons were able to remove the primary tumour however, in the process, they also had to remove his pituitary gland. This would have shocking consequences for Rocco and his family. Due to the absence of Rocco’s pituitary gland and the malfunction of his hypothalamus, Rocco has been struck down by debilitating fatigue, irritability and excessive, uncontrollable weight gain.

Their already rundown residence in Belmont, Perth, became more dilapidated as the family struggled to make ends meet and endured endless trips to hospitals for treatment. With Rocco being so quick to fatigue, the family spend the great majority of their time at home, so their living environment is crucial to their state of mind. 

This family desperately needed a ray of sunshine to change their fortunes and provide much-needed hope and relief.

Matt and Kim and an army of tradespeople surprise the Napoli family with a seemingly unachievable sized renovation over just three action-packed days. Emotions ran high and the results were groundbreaking.

Expect tears. Expect laughter. Expect drama. Expect a life-changing event.

Domestic Blitz – Matt and Kim to the Rescue, Sunday 14 December 2014, 7pm Australia wide, on Nine. For more information.