Interiors Addict

Video tips: How to style cushions on your sofa

Temple & Webster share their top tips and a helpful video.

We can’t get enough of cushions. We welcome all shapes, sizes and colours, and reserve a special place in our hearts for the unique and hand-embellished. In this welcoming and supportive environment, it’s safe to admit it: we’re cushion addicts.

The great thing about cushions is that they can be totally transformative. Want to explore a new look? Try new colours, mix patterns or follow a trend? It’s all possible with cushions, which have the added advantage of excellent bang-for-buck value. The endless possibilities are also the problem with cushions. We’ve seen a few crimes against cushionry in our time. Over-cushioning, under-cushioning, and the modern day epidemic: crazy-clashy-cushioning.

In the following video, Temple & Webster’s Head of Styling Jessica Bellef explains how to create cushion magic by following three simple rules: