Art Interviews

“Artwork has got to speak to you; it has to make you feel something,” says artist Emma Gale

In the early 90s, while still just a teenager, Emma Gale spent 2 years in Cairo teaching refugees how to screenprint their designs onto fabric to be sold. It sparked a love of art and colour which has never gone away.

Photo by Lucy Moyle
Photo by Lucy Moyle

Returning to Melbourne, she quickly started to make her mark on the advertising and graphic design industries despite having no formal training, while gradually beginning to paint on the side. “I always dreamed of being an artist,” says now well established Emma, who recently exhibited at one of our favourite stores,  fenton&fenton. “I just wanted to draw and play with colour. My style combines drawing, colour, pattern and texture.”

Emma Gale fenton&fentonSarah Wood
Photo by Sarah Wood

The successful artist and self-proclaimed homebody has filled the space where she lives and works with colourful pieces sourced all over the world, drawing great inspiration from global culture, and particularly ethnic and tribal jewellery.