Art Interviews

Maryanne Moodie: An Aussie textile artist living in New York

Based out of Brooklyn, New York, Maryanne Moodie is an Australian textile artist, educator and author who has a particular talent for weaving. After studying at Melbourne University and teaching for ten years, Maryanne found her artistic calling while on maternity leave, and now runs a successful weaving business and hosts worldwide workshops too.

Maryanne Moodie with one of her weavings

“I was a teacher for ten years, mostly art, when I fell pregnant. I found a loom when I was cleaning out the storeroom for the teacher replacing me on maternity leave. I thought it would keep my hands busy whilst awaiting the babe. I was instantly hooked. I taught myself to weave and after a year or so began to teach workshops to others,” says Maryanne who loves playing with colour, form and texture to create renewed interest in an ancient art.

Maryanne’s work – I love her use of metallics thread!

But it was a move to New York, in 2012, that culminated in her transition to full-time weaver and the opening of the Maryanne Moodie studio.  “My husband got a job with Etsy as a graphic designer. We moved for his job, but I quickly found opportunities to grow my own business and make connections in the artistic community of Brooklyn too,” says Maryanne who is currently immersed in the textile art communities in both New York and Australia and enjoys sharing her craft through workshop settings. Maryanne also wrote a weaving book in 2016 titled On the Loom: A Modern Weaver’s Guide.

Maryanne’s book

And as for the current fervour for weaving, Maryanne explains that the craft goes well beyond wall hangings. “Weaving doesn’t have to be hung on a wall. You can apply it to rugs, cushions, lampshades, any fabrics really! I think everything has cycles, and maybe hangings might be having their time in the sun, but weaving will continue through other manifestations,” says Maryanne.

Maryanne teaching at a workshop

And for those looking to get a leg up in the creative industries, Etsy Resolution is back this year with Maryanne one of its mentors. A free three-week online boot camp mentored and led by three successful Australian makers and small business owners, the 2017 program is a fabulous free resource for aspiring creatives. And as a mentor, Maryanne will be sharing her first-hand experience in building a creative business through the famed online marketplace.

The artist at work

“Etsy has been great for me. It’s been super easy to list classes, tools and products. I like how visually appealing it is too,” says Maryanne who not only imparts technical knowledge but offers general mentoring too. “I wouldn’t advise selling anything for the first year. Concentrate on building your brand and community awareness of what you are about. Create a strong focus and reach out to others in your industry and make connections,” says Maryanne.

Shop Maryanne’s workshops and wares online.
Registrations for Etsy Resolution close this Friday 27 January.

Photography: Paul Vincent & Julia Stotz


How to open an Etsy shop? Take their four-week online course!

If you’ve always wanted to open an Etsy shop but lacked the confidence or know-how, 2015 could be the year that all changes, with Etsy launching a four-week online program, #EtsyResolution.

etsyresolution interiors addict

Led by Clare Bowditch of Big Hearted Business, and assisted by Etsy seller and small business coach Jess Van Den, participants will have the opportunity to turn their creative dreams into a flourishing Etsy business, with direct access to tried and tested tips, tricks and lessons.

Vice and Velvet interiors addict
Etsy Seller: Vice and Velvet

Designed to be fun, practical and collaborative, #EtsyResolution encourages participants to work together, as well as with Clare and Jess, to kick off a successful 2015. The program guide includes:

January 27        Telling Your Brand Story

January 29        Find Your Target Market

February 2        Photography: Telling Your Shop’s Visual Story

February 5        Shipping Tips & Tricks

February 9        Search Engine Optimisation: Getting Found Online

February 12       Get to Know (and love!) Your ‘Shop Stats’

February 16       Marketing 101 (for creative types!)

February 19       Creating Happy Customers (and nailing the art of repeat business)

February 25       Live online Q&A with Clare and Jess.

Pirdy interiors addict
Etsy Seller: Pirdy
maison blanche interiors addict
Etsy Seller: Maison Blanche

And if you need any extra motivation to join, check out some of our favourite Etsy sellers such as Vice and Velvet, makers of some seriously gorgeous handmade vegan soap, Pirdy, who design the most sparkly resin homewares and Maison Blanche, creators of delicious-smelling, hand-poured soy candles (I have two!).

Looking at all their thriving businesses it may be hard to believe that not too long ago, they too were just starting their Etsy journeys. But I think I can confidently speak for all of them in saying they have no regrets! So take the plunge and register for #EtsyResolution! Registration is open from now until 25 January 2015.