
How to open an Etsy shop? Take their four-week online course!

If you’ve always wanted to open an Etsy shop but lacked the confidence or know-how, 2015 could be the year that all changes, with Etsy launching a four-week online program, #EtsyResolution.

etsyresolution interiors addict

Led by Clare Bowditch of Big Hearted Business, and assisted by Etsy seller and small business coach Jess Van Den, participants will have the opportunity to turn their creative dreams into a flourishing Etsy business, with direct access to tried and tested tips, tricks and lessons.

Vice and Velvet interiors addict
Etsy Seller: Vice and Velvet

Designed to be fun, practical and collaborative, #EtsyResolution encourages participants to work together, as well as with Clare and Jess, to kick off a successful 2015. The program guide includes:

January 27        Telling Your Brand Story

January 29        Find Your Target Market

February 2        Photography: Telling Your Shop’s Visual Story

February 5        Shipping Tips & Tricks

February 9        Search Engine Optimisation: Getting Found Online

February 12       Get to Know (and love!) Your ‘Shop Stats’

February 16       Marketing 101 (for creative types!)

February 19       Creating Happy Customers (and nailing the art of repeat business)

February 25       Live online Q&A with Clare and Jess.

Pirdy interiors addict
Etsy Seller: Pirdy
maison blanche interiors addict
Etsy Seller: Maison Blanche

And if you need any extra motivation to join, check out some of our favourite Etsy sellers such as Vice and Velvet, makers of some seriously gorgeous handmade vegan soap, Pirdy, who design the most sparkly resin homewares and Maison Blanche, creators of delicious-smelling, hand-poured soy candles (I have two!).

Looking at all their thriving businesses it may be hard to believe that not too long ago, they too were just starting their Etsy journeys. But I think I can confidently speak for all of them in saying they have no regrets! So take the plunge and register for #EtsyResolution! Registration is open from now until 25 January 2015.


Pirdy: gorgeous resin homewares with a touch of glitter

I’ve been obsessed with resin ever since my mum brought home a box full of Dinosaur Design resin tumblers 10 years ago. Since then, resin has only become more popular and my love for it has not faltered! So when Jen and I were looking through the finalists for the Etsy Design Awards and came across the resin homewares and jewellery of Pirdy, we knew we had to showcase them.

il_570xN.644991010_srmg Started by Juliet Carr eight years ago, Pirdy was the result of a lot of things: Juliet leaving her job in visual merchandising, her wanting to work from home and her desperate desire to do something creative that she was in control of.


A lover of all things resin, it seemed like a natural niche to begin her creative career and years later, Juliet now has a large array of resin vases, bowls, wall decor and jewellery, that she sells through her Etsy store, Melbourne’s The Rose St. Artists’ Markets and retailers. “I’ve always loved resin,” explains Juliet. “It’s messy but so much fun. I know that there is a science to it, but when you mix two liquids together and they set hard, I always think it’s magic!”


Her latest success is her new resin bowls, which are both pretty and functional. Perfect for salt and pepper, holding jewellery or any little trinkets, they come in a mix of colours, including some with glitter (which are a favourite of Juliet, Jen and I!). “I love anything with glitter in it at the moment,” says Juliet. “I have the glitter bowls all over the house. And I must say as a whole, the bowls are the most fun to make. Resin is mixed with colour pigments and poured, it’s then set, hand sanded and polished. When I make the bowls with a mix of colours, it’s always exciting to see how they turn out!”


To get your hands on any of Juliet’s beautiful homewares visit her website and remember to vote for her in the Etsy Design Awards. But do it soon, because voting closes tomorrow!