Interiors Addict

Grand Designs, series 10 (the UK version)

I do love Kevin McCloud. No, not in that way, as I know so many of my female readers do, and not just because he comes from the same part of south west England as me, or because I’ve been lucky enough to meet him in real life, but because of that twinkle in his eye. When he knows a plan is downright ridiculous, he doesn’t hold back and he’s always, quite annoyingly, right. Equally, when he really loves a project, I can’t get enough of his passion. And that voice. Well, it’s just comforting isn’t it? Is it just me?

Kevin McCloud
Kevin McCloud

I know it’s wrong of me but I am a Pom and I just can’t get into the Australian version (sorry!).

I devoured all 8 episodes of season 10 of Grand Designs (out to buy on DVD this week) in two evenings and it did not disappoint. It kicks off with an actor who buys the ruins of castle he used to play in as a boy and virtually builds a house within its frame. His plans for a theatrical, mock 16th century home were the kind that got Kevin raising an eyebrow or two.