Appliances Kitchens

Swapping the wine fridge for the herb fridge

It may look like a wine fridge but The Urban Cultivator, a system dedicated to creating the freshest herbs and greens, is far better for you! An Australian first, the system takes the complex weather hurdles out of growing and serving herbs and creates a unique indoor growing environment, with no pesticides, no travel time and no food waste.

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Alon Pfau, one of the brains behind introducing the system to Australia, had been on the hunt for such a product for many years, finding that there was no easy solution to growing herbs year round and hassle free. “Since we discovered the Urban Cultivator, we have had an influx of fine restaurants and domestic clients wanting to adopt the new technology,” he says. “They do so either as a simple way to provide the freshest ingredients to customers or as a way of feeding their family the best possible produce right in the home.”

Perfect for chefs and home cooks alike, the Urban Cultivator allows you to grow a long list of herbs, micro-greens, flowers and veggies in a completely automated indoor growing appliance. Watering and light cycles are controlled by an intuitive computer interface, with on board fans to control humidity and air circulation.

To find out more about the Urban Cultivator, visit their website here. Available through Nomalon Imports in Australia.

Interiors Addict

Hang your plants upside down, indoors!

See, I have not gone crazy! How bloody cool is THIS?

The gravity defying, unique and environmentally friendly range of Boskke sky planters are a sure-fire conversation starter. This exciting innovation for indoor plants is self-watering, water efficient (no evaporation) and enables anyone looking to add some greenery to their home or office, the ability to fill a room with beautiful, oxygen giving plants without sacrificing floor space. Why not use them in the kitchen to grow fresh herbs?

Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? And they’re not expensive either. The sky planters are suitable for any indoor plant, easy to maintain and come in three sizes, from $19.90.

Available online from Zanui.