Design Designers Interviews

Alisa & Lysandra: The Block twins style a family home

Tasked with creating the interiors for Mirvac’s latest display home (the ‘Banksia’ in Melbourne’s south-eastern suburb of Waverley Park), ex Blockheads Alisa and Lysandra Fraser have combined layers of texture and sophisticated colour to create timeless yet accessible spaces.

Lounge room
Lounge room
Dining room

With a young family audience in mind, the twins ensured the home was styled in a practical way with room to evolve with the changing needs of a family. “When designing a home, you have to consider how you plan on using the space, both now and in the future. It’s also important to blend timeless, sophisticated pieces with on-trend elements, allowing a home to remain stylish for years to come with flexible accents and layers that are easy and affordable to replace,” says Lysandra.


The furniture throughout was sourced from GlobeWest and Coco Republic with homewares found at Adairs, IKEA, Provincial Home Living and Kmart. The home also features custom rugs and artwork from the twins’ own collection including a gorgeous set of prints in the children’s room.

Children's room
Children’s room – the prints above the bed are available on the twins’ website

Colour plays an important role throughout with dramatic shades of navy and teal tempered by warm grey and charcoal. “This gives the home a welcoming feel that creates an inspired and cosy family haven, with luxurious touches such as brushed gold throughout. The soft blush tones in the living room combined with plenty of greenery adds a feminine feel also,” says Alisa.

Guest bedroom

As for their favourite part of the home, they are both enamoured with the master bedroom  – a luxurious space. “This room has some special pieces such as Taj Maroc bone mirrors and a stunning occasional chair from GlobeWest that capture your attention when entering the room, together with a contemporary custom artwork, and large feature lamps from Coco Republic,” says Lysandra.

Master bedroom
Master bedroom

Photography: Kit Haselden

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