
Foodie Friday: Easy Immunity Juice

This recipe comes to us from MOD Appliances.

Easy Immunity Juice

As the weather cools down and cold and flu season gets closer, it’s time to consider an immune boosting regime to help the body stay in an optimal, healthy condition.

  • Cold Press Juicer
  • 2 cups raw spinach (washed)
  • 2 oranges (peeled and cut into quarters)
  • 3 stalks celery (washed and cut into 1-2cm pieces)
  • 1 inch ginger root
  1. Using your juicer, juice the ingredients. Almost too easy!

health food, healthy, immunity boosting, juice

Oscar’s a real tough guy of a juicer

There are some appliances which really need to be tough if they’re going to withstand daily use and a juicer is definitely one of them. I recently tried out Vitality 4 Life’s Oscar Neo DA 1000 and was seriously impressed.

Oscar_Neos_PRwine_wheatgrass_HR (1)

Unlike some juicers which you’re scared to handle too roughly, the Oscar Neo gobbles up raw carrot and beetroot like a trooper. It was so easy and I was so confident about using it, I got well and truly hooked on juicing (beetroot, carrot, celery, apple and ginger was my fave) and was very sad when I had to give it back (still sobbing).