
Post House Rules reveal chat with Carole and Russell

With the final two exteriors revealed on last night’s episode of House Rules, engaged Queensland couple Maddi and Lloyd were sent home, receiving a combined score of 12 from judges Joe Snell and Wendy Moore.

Maddi and Lloyd
Maddi and Lloyd

Making over Victorian team Adam and Lisa’s backyard, they were applauded for their decision to extend the back deck but criticised for their design, furniture choice and planting.

Candy and Ryan, who took the front, received the highest score of the night with a score of 16. While on the other side of the country, Perth grandparents Carole and Russell edged-out previous semi-final winners Adam and Lisa, to receive a 14 from the judges for Maddi and Lloyd’s front yard, compared to Adam and Lisa’s 13 for the back.

Carole and Russell
Carole and Russell

Seeing as we’ve heard from all the contestants, bar Carole and Russell, I had a chat with them this morning about what it was like receiving the highest score for the Queensland property and how it feels competing against all those young ones!

“I kind of sit back and think how did we get this far? I expected the young ones to do a lot better than us,” Carole admitted. “They are so technically minded and look at things so differently I didn’t expect to get as far as we have. So it is a nice surprise!”

08 October 2013 Townsville, QLD - Photo: Cameron Laird (Ph: 0418238811)
Before: Carole and Russell’s zone

While Carole does see how being young could be a factor in success, she believes having conviction in your ideas is more important. “I don’t think we have an advantage because of our age at all. Rather to be honest, I think my strength is that I have confidence. In this competition I think it all comes down to confidence, confidence to have a go.”

Yet she does admit that while she may seem confident about her work upon reflection, before judging that all goes out the window! “This week I thought we would have done okay, the research definitely spelt out what you were looking at in our garden. But you just don’t know until the judges have really had a look at it and given their critique.”

After: Carole and Russell's zone
After: Carole and Russell’s zone

With the house rule of creating an exterior that was ‘Palms Springs cool,’ Carole and Russell had not only a huge area to make over but were left battling against the ferocious Queensland elements. “The heat was massive and if we didn’t have the heat and the humidity I think we would have coped a lot better. It was so hot up there.”

Yet they still coped remarkably well, getting the second highest score of the night and creating a garden entrance that both the judges and Maddi and Lloyd loved. “Making sure we made a statement with the entrance took a lot of thinking, a lot of organising and a lot of hours because we really wanted to nail that, which I think we did. It was certainly something different, it was grand, it was big and it definitely makes a statement.”

After: Carole and Russell's zone
After: Carole and Russell’s zone

The overall leaderboard, which combined all the exterior makeovers, saw Adam and Lisa on top with 30 points; Candy and Ryan in second with 29; Carole and Russell in third with 28; and eliminated couple Maddi and Lloyd on 23.

The leaderboard has now been wiped, leaving the three remaining couples on a level playing field as they battle it out tonight for a place in the Grand Final.


Post House Rules reveal chat with winners Candy and Ryan

With the first House Rules elimination occurring earlier this week, the pressure was well and truly on! In just four days, the five remaining teams were tasked with what seemed like an impossible challenge: transforming an entire Sydney unit each, in just four days.

Candy and Ryan

Last night’s episode saw the conclusion of the challenge, with NSW team Candy and Ryan taking home the win. They managed to score their first elusive 10 from judge and Home Beautiful editor Wendy Moore and a nine from fellow judge and architect, Joe Snell.

“I can’t even put into words how it felt to get that 10,” says Ryan. “Candy and I tried for so long, one thing we really wanted to achieve in the competition was a perfect 10 and to be the second team to do it was awesome. We pushed so hard and it felt like for so long as well and to get it for Monica’s apartment… we’re rapt.”

Before: Kitchen

Assigned with the job of making over the home of single, insect-loving Monica, most of the house rules were easy to follow – bar the fact that she wanted an insect theme! “Candy and I got really lucky this week, the house rules Monica wanted were edgy and eclectic and that’s really similar to the style we like ourselves,” explains Ryan. “However, the insect component was the total opposite! We had no idea what direction we were going to go with that. We knew we had to get insects in somewhere and we thought the best way to introduce them was with some creative wallpaper which we think really looked good in the end.”

After: Kitchen

Used to spending a week on a renovation and just working on one zone, the change-up in the format was a lot of pressure. “It was crazy. We thought seven days was tough but then to do a whole apartment in four, we were just so under pressure,” says Candy. “I think you could really see how hard it was and how stressful it was, especially for me. When we finished I just broke down, I was so relived it was over. I was exhausted.”

Before: Bathroom
Before: Bathroom

However, because of both the time limit and the budget, the challenge was presented as a makeover challenge rather than a full-scale renovation. “Our budgets were so tight we couldn’t go crazy replacing everything,” explains Candy. “We spent most of our money on the bathroom and completely re-did that. Then the rest was more cosmetic, painting things, adding extra furniture, that type of thing.”

While the makeover was no doubt one of their toughest experiences thus far, Ryan believes it was all worth it for the chance to give back: “It definitely felt great to give something back, but then it was really challenging cause the last thing we wanted to do was to give Monica an apartment she wasn’t in love with. So we really threw ourselves into this week and I think you could tell.”

After: Bathroom

The unit makeover challenge saw Candy and Ryan come in first with a total score of 19; followed by Adam and Lisa with a score of 15; Carole and Russell with 14; Maddi and Lloyd with 12; and Bomber and Mel with eight. Luckily for Bomber and Mel, they were saved from the expected elimination and instead they, and all the other contestants scores, will be carried over into the next phase of the competition: the 24-hour fix-up challenge. 

House Rules continues Sunday at 6.30pm with the 24-hour fix-up challenge, where the remaining teams must return to their renovated homes and choose one zone to change. The reveals will be on Monday at 7.30pm when another team will be eliminated.



Post House Rules reveal chat with contestants Maddi and Lloyd

Last night’s episode of House Rules definitely got the waterworks going. I’d be lying if I said a tear didn’t escape my eye. Reality TV shows are emotional, people!

Maddi and Lloyd
Maddi and Lloyd

But with my favourites Adam and Lisa not just taking out the top spot on the leaderboard for their kitchen and guest bedroom, but also getting 10/10 from both the judges and the homeowners Maddi and Lloyd, you were bound to see some emotion (from contestants and viewers alike)!

“As soon as I walked through the house and got a glimpse of that kitchen I was speechless,” says Lloyd. “How good it was, the location, everything, I just couldn’t fault it. The kitchen’s definitely my favourite part and that lounge room just compliments it really nicely.”

Adam and Lisa’s winning kitchen

With this being the first perfect score from the judges and the homeowners, Maddi and Lloyd’s scoring was in complete opposition to last week’s more strategic style, which didn’t win Brooke and Grant many fans.

“We never wanted to be strategic,” explains Lloyd. “We told ourselves we were going to mark with our hearts and our initial reaction, because for us, we wanted to walk in and get an amazing feeling from each of the rooms. The kitchen and the guest bedroom were a 10/10 and that was exactly what it deserved. We would have felt like we would have let down the team who did it if we scored them any less than that.”

The kitchen before the renovation
The kitchen before the renovation

However, the whole house wasn’t a success, with Brooke and Grant’s master bedroom, walk in wardrobe, linen closet and deck being a miss in the eyes of the homeowners.  They received a score of six.

“It was definitely not what Maddi and I wanted,” says Lloyd. “We like things open and light and the hessian ceiling and external paneling on the walls made the whole thing quite claustrophobic.”

Brooke and Grant’s master bedroom

Yet that said, Maddi and Lloyd are still both ecstatic with the final result and have only had to make minor changes since moving back into their home post-show. “We were very lucky we were towards the end and not the front of the competition,” says Lloyd. “Because a few of the houses at the beginning were just practices for ours!”

Having lived in their Queensland home for a year prior to the show beginning, they had bought it with the intention of renovating. “We saw the potential in our house, but the amount of work that needed to be done, it would have taken us years and years,” explains Lloyd. “We were in a position where we could apply and thought what’s the worse that can happen?”

Tune in tonight at 7.30pm as the teams begin their last interior renovation in South Australia.

Read all our House Rules coverage.