Bedrooms Expert Tips Furniture Renting

Make your own bed head for under $50 (yes really)!

How to: make your own bed head for under $50 (yes really)!


I can’t even recall how many conversations I’ve had with people wanting a bed head for their ensemble but not wanting to fork out for an expensive store-bought one. My housemate happened to be one of these people, so we decided to give her room a makeover on a minimal budget. This bed head could actually be the easiest DIY project I have ever done and it’s renter-friendly!

What you need:

1x piece of ply board
Paint and paint brush
Matt finishing spray
Nails or 3M hooks to attach to wall

Step 1: Picking a pattern & size

The first thing you need to do is work out your tile size. I was working with a double bed, so I went with 39cm x 39cm timber tiles (I wanted to allow for a slight overhang on either side). Deciding on a pattern we both loved and finding something relatively simple to match my poor painting skills was a whole other story! I found so many cool patterns it made it hard to choose, so go with your gut on this one. Trust me when I say the hardest part is deciding on a pattern to put on the tiles. Once you’ve locked in the pattern, it will take you no time at all!

Step 2: Get your supplies


I headed down to my local hardware store and managed to get everything relatively easily (Hint: Get them to cut your ply for you into your tile size. It’s free, only takes a few minutes, and saves all the mess at your own place!).

Step 3: Mount, draw and paint the tiles


Mount your tiles to the wall and draw on the pattern you chose. Once you’re happy with the way the pattern will look, paint away. Then all you have to do is wait for it to dry!

Step 4: Spray with finishing spray


Apply a few coats of finishing spray to your ply tiles and wait for it to dry.

We were lucky that we had some 3M velcro strips laying around. 3M hooks will up the price but understand that if you’re renting, your landlord probably won’t appreciate you nailing the ply tiles to the wall. If you love the idea of this bedhead but don’t have the time to make one yourself, you can always spend a bit more and opt for some of Bonnie and Neil’s ready done gorgeous tiles ($25 each).

Kathryn Bamford is our girl on the ground in Melbourne; you can follow her design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.

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