Interiors Addict

To all the motherless daughters (and sons)

Mother’s Day isn’t much fun when your mum’s not around. It would be okay if it was one day but the lead-up is weeks and weeks (and I get all the press releases with the gift ideas)! I’m always glad when it comes around because it means it will be over by the next day. It’s a day of mixed emotions for me. I’m happy for all my friends with kids who are now the mums being celebrated and I’m genuinely happy to see people enjoying lunches and days out with their mums, if a little jealous. But my first thought on Mother’s Day is always for my friends who, like me, don’t have their mums. This isn’t me asking for sympathy or anything like that (not my style), but can you do me a favour? If you have a friend who has lost their mum, remember to drop them a text tomorrow and say you’re thinking of them. I have a special few girls who do this for me each year and it really means the world.

Happy Mother’s Day for tomorrow. Cherish your parents and tell them you love them.

Jen x