Interiors Addict

To all the motherless daughters (and sons)

Mother’s Day isn’t much fun when your mum’s not around. It would be okay if it was one day but the lead-up is weeks and weeks (and I get all the press releases with the gift ideas)! I’m always glad when it comes around because it means it will be over by the next day. It’s a day of mixed emotions for me. I’m happy for all my friends with kids who are now the mums being celebrated and I’m genuinely happy to see people enjoying lunches and days out with their mums, if a little jealous. But my first thought on Mother’s Day is always for my friends who, like me, don’t have their mums. This isn’t me asking for sympathy or anything like that (not my style), but can you do me a favour? If you have a friend who has lost their mum, remember to drop them a text tomorrow and say you’re thinking of them. I have a special few girls who do this for me each year and it really means the world.

Happy Mother’s Day for tomorrow. Cherish your parents and tell them you love them.

Jen x


Artist Madeleine Stamer’s inspiration and her new series Midnight Tricks

Artist Madeleine Stamer’s work is hugely influenced by a Melbourne shop her mum took her to as a child and her dad’s love of birds.

ghost orchid
Ghost Orchid

It just goes to show what a profound impact our childhoods, where are parents take us and what they introduce us to can have, and I think that’s rather wonderful!

madeleine stamer

My mum has always been my style guru,” says Madeleine. “She’s a needlework champion and used to work part time at Priscilla’s Tapestry shop in High Street, Armadale near my favourite shop. Market Import, in the iconic Moray Street retail strip. Mum first took me to Market Import when I was a child. I have fond memories of the pure white walls encrusted with vibrant Mexican handcrafts, bedazzling like precious jewels. I recall being enthralled by the ladies’ gift-wrapping skills which involved wrapping even the teeniest of objects in layers and layers of rainbow-coloured tissue paper topped with fancy adornments that would make any recipient’s heart swoon.

Interiors Addict

IKEA 2014 catalogue preview: living with kids

Next year’s IKEA 2014 catalogue will have a real focus on living with children. Have a look at this quick video for an idea of what’s in store (or going to be!).

An IKEA spokesperson said: “This year at IKEA we’re turning our focus to the most important people in the world; children. Throughout the year, we’ll have tips and ideas about how families can spend more time together supporting the year’s theme, Living with Children. And we’re starting with the 2014 IKEA Catalogue. We’ve kept the same structure and we’ve packed it with the exciting stories behind our products and new ideas to help people love their homes even more. There’s also more engaging extended content available through the IKEA Catalogue app.

Bedrooms Styling

Learn how to decorate your kids’ bedrooms from Megan Morton and Arent & Pyke

If you’re ready to tackle your kids’ rooms once and for all and are up for an intensive all-you-need-to-know, three-hour decorating workshop with stylist Megan Morton and interior designers Arent & Pyke, clear your diary for Thursday night! Megan fans will know she has just launched her latest book on the topic, I Love My Room, and Juliette Arent and Sarah-Jane Pyke are a mum-to-be and a mum-of-one respectively, as well as being award-winning interior designers.

megan morton i love my room 1

“What this is not is a repeat of the book in any way, nor is it a master class,” says Megan. “What it is is a potentially house-changing decorating workshop dedicated to one of the most hazardous rooms in the house — your kid’s bedroom!”

megan morton i love my room 2

This class will cover the pitfalls and the opportunities of kids rooms. “Children’s bedrooms are loaded with trapdoors, as anyone who lives with them well knows! Explore the potential of yours with a class that talks to all age groups, styles and budgets. How to make the most of the area, how to avoid common traps and how to think like a kids room decorator are all covered,” Megan explains. Special guests Arent & Pyke will show and share their best ideas for rooms that can work for all budgets. “All in all it will be inspiring, great learning and could potentially save you hundreds of decorating dollars on the real rooms of the house!”