Art Homewares

Affordable, unique artworks from New Henry Design

After a diverse life filled with varied jobs, study, creative ventures and motherhood, Brisbane-based Jade Goulding has finally found her calling: New Henry Design. Primarily offering a range of artwork and photography prints from her online shop, Jade also offers artwork commissions, interior design services and product styling.

Big Heart Context

“New Henry is an outlet where my ideas and ability to create connect with people who desire and appreciate beautiful and interesting spaces,” explains Jade. “My artworks have evolved over time to become an eclectic mix of styles. Whatever is taking my fancy at the time is what I experiment with, from ink, watercolour and acrylic, to photography, digital and graphic design.”

With three collections featured in her online shop, my favourite has to be the Bowerbird Vintage Style Collection, an artwork series which had been an idea of Jade’s for quite some time. “I have this collection of encyclopaedias that I have wanted to do something with, plus ink paintings, plus some graphic design, plus finding files and images that I love. It just all come together to create this lovely tangible culmination of ideas that have been rattling around in my heart for a while.”

Jade photo

Scandi Lounge w Circles
Circle Series

The Word Series is a highlight for Jade: “Words are powerful, and if you have something stated on your wall, it will influence mood and atmosphere and relationships.”

Word Series

Jade also stages homes for sale as well as doing product styling. “I really enjoy styling because I love putting stuff together to create beautiful scenes, functional spaces, and visual harmony. I also love to help people find their own style and organise their lives better to make sure their space is comfortable and inspiring. It’s my dream job, and I just want to work on things all the time!”

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